Page 11 of Call Me Teach

Hannah’s arms cross against her chest and I know she’s about to argue with me. I take her by surprise when I grip the side of her face and plunge my fingers through her hair.

“I saw the relief on your face the second I cleared my throat in the room, Hannah. If you want my help learning how to orgasm during sex, all you have to do is ask.”

I’m prepared for her to stomp on my foot, or at the very least, for her to scoff, but she surprises me when her teeth sink into her bottom lip and those pretty blue eyes soften with vulnerability.

“If I ask, are you going to say yes?”

Aw, fuck.I wasn’t expecting that. But I’m not one to back down from a challenge, so I throw her my best smirk. “I’ll help you, Hannah Banana.”This isn’t a good idea.“But we’ve gotta keep it a secret. Your brother put a no-touch rule on you, and he’s not only my teammate and roommate, but my friend too. It goes against the code.”

Heavy silence lingers between us so I try to lighten the mood. “But this means you owe me. You know that, right?”

She rolls her eyes and I slowly untangle my fingers from her hair. I open my door further and peek down the hall to make sure Hayes isn’t within sight.

“I owe you? Like a favor? What kind of favor?” Hannah is rambling, and it’s kind of cute.

I flick my chin to the hall, silently telling her it’s safe to leave my room before Hayes figures out that she was in here. When there’s a proper amount of distance between us, the threshold of my room being our only barrier, I shrug. “I’ll let you know whenever I figure it out.”

The door is almost fully closed when I hear her whisper-shout. “I won’t do your homework for you, Nolan!”

I chuckle.

As if I need her for her brains.




I can hardly look him in the eye.

My brother is oblivious to my nerves, but Nolan isn’t. His long fingers tap against the counter as Hayes continues the conversation about my ex-boyfriend that makes me highly uncomfortable, especially with Nolan actively listening.

At least he isn’t eavesdropping this time, butstill.

“Dad said he owed me one,” Hayes says in between a bite of pizza.

“For what?” I’m half afraid to know the answer.

“For getting you away from Koa.”

Nolan is staring at me. I can feel his eyes on me like a hot, searing brand.

“I got myself away from Koa.” My response is fueled with annoyance. “And I thought they liked him?”

Hayes snickers. “He treated you like shit.”

I frown. “They didn’t know that, though.”

He mumbles under his breath before finishing his pizza. “They do now.”

I yell at his backside as he quickly heads for the door. “Hayes!”

“Sorry, I can’t hear you!” he shouts just before the lock clicks.

Not only has my brother just carelessly humiliated me in front of Nolan, but he’s also left me alone with him for the first time since he offered himself up as tribute to help me in the bedroom.

I’m already on edge and embarrassed. The very last thing I want to do is turn around and face him now, but he clears his throat, and I know it’s my cue.