Page 1 of Call Me Teach




“And then he told me that no one will be able to make me come the way he did.”

Aria’s mouth drops open. “I hope you told him that he’snevermade you come.”

Her cheeks are red from anger, and mine are red from embarrassment. She blinks and waits for me to answer, but I come up empty-handed because if I had told him that, it wouldn’t have been a lie. It’s the truth. He never made me come and it wasn’t because of him so much as it was because of me.


I shrug and stuff some more things into my bag.

“Hannah! You have to hit him where it hurts. His ego is everything, and to take a hit like that from you would be detrimental.”

“And what about my ego?” I blow a loose piece of hair out of my face and push myself further back into the driver’s seat, wishing it swallow me so I could end this conversation. Aria moves closer to her phone and eyes me with suspicion throughthe camera. I’m half tempted to hang up on her so I can avoid the whole thing altogether.

“I know that look.” Her voice softens, and her pretty features smooth. She goes from angry to concerned in three seconds flat. “It’s gonna be okay, Hannah. Your brother said you can live with him until I get there after the holidays. You did the right thing by ending it with Koa. He wasn’t right for you.”

I shake my head before she can carry on. “It wasn’t him. It was me.”

“Do not start that low-self-esteem bullshit with me, Hannah Evans!”

My throat grows tight, and my face burns hotter. “Aria, I think I’m broken.”

Her cheeks pull tight with confusion as she waits for me to continue.

“I suck at sex.”

She rolls her eyes. “With a body like yours?Please.Don’t let your asshole ex make you feel like you’re the problem, Hannah. Sometimes people just aren’t meant to be together.”

I climb out of my car with my phone in tow. I’m sure it’s a very flattering angle with Aria staring up my nose, but I’m carrying one box and two bags, plus the phone, so she’ll just have to deal.

I interrupt her uplifting sentiment. “That’s not it.” The front door closes behind me and I start the trek to my brother’s floor. The apartment complex is less than five miles from Wilder U’s campus, so at least I have that on my side. “It isn’t just with Koa. It’s with every guy.”

“Wait…what?” Her voice echoes throughout the apartment hallway.“What do you mean?”

After putting my things on the floor, I lift the rug, pull the spare key out from underneath it, and prepare myself for the scent of athletes to waft in my face when entering my new home.I already know I’m going to have to clean the apartment from ceiling to floor if I’m going to be able to handle living with hockey players that are probably just as untidy as the one I share DNA with.

“Well,” I start, holding the door open with my foot while dragging a box in with one hand. “It’s me. I’m the problem. And no…” I pause. “I am not quoting Taylor Swift. It’s me. I haven’t orgasmed with any guy! It’s like I’m…broken or something!”

There’s a loud commotion and I spin around in shock. Liquid sprays through the air, but even through the mist, I know it’s not my brother who just overheard my very personal confession, causing their drink to jet from their mouth.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

The blood drains from my face, and the phone drops from my hand with a loud clamor against the hardwood floor.

Aria is still chattering about my embarrassing divulgence, but instead of bending down and ending the call, I’m frozen. She goes on and on about different positions and tricks for me to orgasm the next time I’m getting “down and dirty with a guy”.

Sweat begins to crest on the back of my neck and I pray for a piano to fall on my head.

Only it doesn’t.

The only thing that falls is my heart because Nolan Huges is standing in front of me with a sexy smirk sliding onto his annoyingly handsome face.