Page 74 of Sunshine & Sinful

Grinning wider than the sun, Lily’s gray eyes light up, and she selects another succulent in a mini mosaic pot and adds that to my basket before she moseys over to the bakery. Whatever she chooses, I decide to buy, no matter the cost. This is far more about spending quality time with my granddaughter than shopping.

“Can I bring donuts for my class?” she asks, and I don’t hesitate to stack two large boxes of donuts on top of the other for her classmates and teachers. Maybe this will show whatshisname he should be nicer to Lily. Killing him with kindness is probably better than actually killing him, which is my choice of retaliation.

Setting my basket on top of the donut boxes, I carrythem around the store. By the third aisle, I regret not using a cart, especially when Lily adds two oranges the size of my fist and the world’s largest piece of ginger into my basket alongside the three plants. “What are those for?” I nod toward the additions while she adds a carton of strawberries to her basket, but not before she inspects the fruit to see which is best.

“Kali likes to make that gross juice stuff. It uses ginger and lemons. But oranges are good, too,” Lily reasons, and I can’t argue that logic. My woman does love to make that gross juice stuff, as Lily calls it. It’s something I actually like. Maybe not at first. But it grows on you after a hundred or so tries.

By the time we’re done, we’ve got two baskets full and the donuts. With my help, we spread everything on the conveyor at checkout. While the cashier rings us up, I pull my wallet from my front pocket and hand Lily a stack of cash. Her eyes widen, and her mouth rounds at the sight, like she won the lottery, when it’s not more than a couple of hundred dollars in a mix of twenties and fifties. But to a kid, it probably is like winning the lottery.

“Whoa,” she whispers under her breath as she attempts to count through the cash when the lady gives us the total. Those behind us are patient as Lily figures out which bills to hand the woman. I don’t intervene. She’s smart. She’s got this. Tongue between her lips, Lily counts her numbers and checks the green letters on the screen twice before handing over her stack of bills.

“Thank you.” The woman smiles kindly and counts the money aloud for Lily to hear. When she’s handed hertwenty dollars too much, Lily accepts the bill back with our other change, and we collect our bags.

I thank the lady for her patience on the way out. She blushes ten shades of pink, and Lily is ten times happier than I’ve seen her in ages when we load down the back of Kali’s vehicle with our finds. I set the donuts beside my granddaughter so we don’t forget to take them to school. It isn’t long before we’re there, parking in the lot across from the front doors of her elementary, and she’s skipping with her backpack ahead of me to hold the entrance open like a polite little lady.

“Thanks, Lily Pad. You lead the way.” I stop inside to wait for her as other kids raise hell and race around like they’ve snorted six pounds of sugar for breakfast. As I bob and weave through the chaos, I chuckle at a group of boys I overhear arguing over whetherMinecraftorFortniteis superior. Whatever the fuckMinecraftandFortniteis.

By the graces that be, Lily’s teacher’s greeting her kids at the classroom door when we arrive.

“We brought donuts.” Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Lily points to me. “That’s my pops.”

“Good morning, Ms. Lily,” her teacher greets with a genuine smile before she turns her attention to me, and her eyes widen in surprise. I’m a big guy with tattoos. Not exactly something you see around these parts every day. I don’t take offense. “Good morning, Lily’s Pops.” She chuckles awkwardly and tucks a strand of curly blonde hair behind her ear out of nervousness or what? I don’t know. I’m fuckin’ clueless about women unless that woman is Kali.

“Mornin’,” I reply to be polite and lift the boxes of contraband. “Where would you like these to go?”

“Oh. Ohhh.” She visibly gulps. “That’s kind of you. Ummmm.” The young woman taps her bottom lip, thinking, then shakes her head and expels a small laugh when she’s made up her mind. “I-I’ll just take them.” She offers me her hands to deposit them into.

Not needing to be told twice, I hand over the treats, nod my thanks, and squeeze my little girl quickly before I dodge the hoard of tiny bodies on the way out.

As I exit, the older secretary waves to me. I raise my hand and offer a friendly smile as I shove open the front glass door and bask in the early morning sun as it warms my face.

Now it’s time to get my ass home to my lady before she wonders where I went.



With a couch pillowsupporting my bare knees on the floor, I lick the crown of my man’s cock like a lollipop. His hands ball into fists on either side of him as I worship him like a pornstar. The man bought plants to cheer me up, knowing I’d be concerned Dark left. He took Lily to school and even delivered items she’d picked out to her mom. I found him unloading the back of my Bronco when he got home. I was sipping tea on the porch, curled up in a blanket. He didn’t say where he’d gone, but I knew he wouldn’t disappear without giving me a heads-up.

This is the kind of man you spend your life with.

The one who brought a pack of toilet paper home because he wanted to make sure we had enough. The one who got me a chocolate-glazed donut with sprinkles.


Lifting the sugary dessert from the plate on the floornext to me, I slide the donut down his cock like a ring—a delicious one that has my mouth watering.

A smear of fresh glaze paints the underside of his shaft, and I lick it right up.

“Fuck.” The muscles in Sunshine’s thighs ripple as he lets me do whatever I please.

Eyes fluttering closed in pleasure, I savor the homemade goodness in my mouth before I lick him once more around his cock head, where I dip my tongue into his slit to gather the salty bead there.

“Kali,” he rasps, throwing his head back against the couch as I nibble around my breakfast that surrounds the base of his cock.

“Mmmm,” I hum, thoroughly enjoying myself.

“You’re fuckin’ killin’ me,” he grinds out through clenched teeth, and damn if that doesn’t make me shiver in giddy anticipation. He hasn’t seen anything yet. To prove that sentiment, a wicked smile curls at the corners of my lips as I nibble his heavy sac at the seam before giving them each their own deserved attention.