Page 44 of Sunshine & Sinful

“She’s my… she’s… Why don’t you come down here so we can talk.” Dark gestures to the main floor.

“No. You can tell me right now.”

“Sweets?” Sunshine hollers up.


“Just come down here for me. Please. I’ll hold Dark so you can kick him in the balls.”

Even though I don’t want to, the slightest, microscopic smile breaks free. Leave it to Sunshine to lighten the mood. “Promise?”

“Always,” he vows.

“Hey!” Dark growls, twisting on the ladder to glare down at his father. “Nobody’s doin’ shit to my junk.”

Sunshine chuckles. “I already promised.”

“Fuck.” Dark bangs the side of his fist against the attic floorboards, then grumbling a bunch of colorful expletives, loudly descends the stairs with heavy footfalls. Once he reaches the carpet, he knocks on the wood. “Kali. Babe. Let’s go. My balls are waitin’.”

Head shaking, I snort, glance over the creepy, perverted attic space a final time, and carefully climb backward down the narrow stairs, not bothering to shut off the light. Halfway down, strong hands that I’d know from anywhere secure my waist and pluck me from the rungs until I’m safely back on solid ground. Those same hands spin me to face him. Chest to abs, I stare up at the handsome man with a nice beard and tug the tip of it. He grins and leans down, not caring if anyone else is watching, and lays one right on me.

Wanting to forget everything, even for a moment, I hook my arms around Sunshine’s neck and part my lips. The first taste feels like home as his tongue tests mine with a sensual sweep before he growls like an animal and dives in. Lips mash lips as my fingers sift into the base of his hair, and he swoops down to scoop my ass off the ground. On instinct, I wrap my thighs around his muscular waist,and he slams my back against the hall wall, punching air from my lungs.

Someone curses.

The other laughs maniacally.

Tuning out the world, I focus on him and him alone—the man I can count on most. He doesn’t disappoint. Our tongues twist in a frantic tango. Needy moans pour from my soul as my pulse pounds through my ears. Sunshine’s sexy chest vibrates against mine, a satisfied growl percolating there as he grinds his cock against my center, and my pussy clenches in response, desperate to be filled.

“You two done yet?” Dark barks.

Chuckling quietly into my mouth, Sunshine slowly pulls away like two magnets forced to separate. Smiling almost shyly, with cherry-red lips and eyelids heavy with lust, he winks at me as he collects his breath. Could he be any sexier? Sheesh.

Resting my head against the wall, I suck in lungfuls of air as my lips tingle.

Sunshine leans in and kisses the side of my mouth. “Later,” he promises and pecks me solidly on the lips once more before he sighs as if he doesn’t want to be here. That makes two of us. Wecould haveescaped into the bathroom, where Icould havebent over the sink, and wecould havehad a grand ole time getting each other off. But no. Life and shit.

Coming down from my high, Sunshine sets me back on the green carpet, secures my hand in his own, and escorts me into the living room, where a manic Dark is pacing, hands in his hair, tugging the strands every which way, as he talks to himself.

Noticing my feet, he pauses mid-stride. Those grays ascend my frame slowly until they settle on my face. He scowls and pulls harder on his hair as if trying to rip it out. I want to tell him to stop, but he never listens.

“So, he made it official, huh?” Dark’s words hold an edge of fury as he nods toward his father, and his upper lip curls back in a barely concealed snarl—the pulse in his throat throbbing beneath the sheet of tattoos.

“Made what official?” I ask, my hand still clasped in Sunshine’s.

“This. The shit with you two.” He gestures between us.

“I guess I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re obviously sucking face. You two fucking already?”

“That is none of your business,” I hiss, curbing the urge to flip him off. The goddamn audacity of this man. Whoever I choose to fuck or not to fuck is none of his business.

“The hell it’s not!” Dark roars and steps forward like he’s testing me to see what I’ll do. “Are you really fucking my father, Kali?”

“We’re grown adults, Dark. We don’t have to tell you shit,” I throw back in his nosy face.

“Why don’t we calm down?” Sunshine raises a placating hand, his tone neutral. “We’re not here to discuss this.” He motions between the three of us before nodding to Anthony. “We’re here to deal with him,” the older man reasons and releases my hand to pat me on the ass, silently communicating,we’ll deal with this later. Don’t let him get to you.