Page 34 of Sunshine & Sinful

And he does.

I’m fucked until I can’t remember my name.

I’m fucked until cum floods my pussy.

And it’s beautiful.

The pleasure.

The euphoria.

When he’s finally done, and I’m wrung dry, sweat clinging to my body, hair a mess, Sunshine props me on my side with a pillow beneath my head and curls up behind me, cum still leaking from my core. A blanket settles across us, and a warm, lingering kiss presses to myshoulder. “Sleep, my sweets. We’ll talk in the morning. I love you.”

And so, I sleep.

And dream of him.

My home.

His Cock.

And what this means.

For the first time in months, I’m genuinely happy.



We had sex.


I fucked Kali.

Made love?

No. That doesn’t sound right. We fucked. Not in a dirty way. Well, yeah, I suppose it was the dirty way. But not the kind of fucking you do with club whores. The kind of fucking you do with the woman who was made for you. Love fucking.

That doesn’t make any damn sense.


Pacing the front porch in sweats, a t-shirt, and my slippers, with a mug of coffee in hand, I wait for the call to come as the most beautiful woman ever to walk this earth sleeps. Christ, we went all night. Literally. It’s a miracle the screamin’ didn’t wake Lily, who’s still downfor the count.

My legs are sore like I ran a marathon. My poor cock is damn near raw. Last night, I was possessed. I couldn’t stop. I should have, but every time I thought I might come, I pulled back, let the urge subside, and kept at it. For an old fucker who hasn’t had sex in eight, almost nine years, I’m surprised I didn’t nut the second my cock slid into that perfect cunt. I’m happy the bastard still works.

What if she regrets what happened when she wakes?

What if she tears into me for the marriage proposal?


I shouldn’t have asked.

I should’ve kept it to myself and waited another year, maybe two, when the sting of everything has faded.

Maybe she’ll forget I said anything.