“You’re welcome. Use it responsibly.” I tap the side of the bag.
“I promise I will.”
There’s a double knock on the steel door, followed by three more specific, secret-coded knocks that only one person knows. A smile splits my face. “I’ll be out in aminute,” I say loud enough for our visitor to hear me on the other side.
“Take your time, Sweets. I’ll meet you at the bar whenever you’re done,” Sunshine relays, and Sola’s eyes grow to the size of bike wheels at the sound of his voice.
Knowing Sunshine won’t wait for me to respond, I focus on my googly-eyed sister, swooning off her stool.
“Spill, sis,” she urges, bouncing on the stool in anticipation.
“We’re together,” I admit.
“Fucking finally,” Sola cheers, tossing a hand in the air.
My smile widens until my cheeks hurt. “Shut up.” I wave off her enthusiasm, even if having another sister on my side feels good. “Why does everyone keep sayin’ that?”
“We’ve all been waiting for you to finally pull your head out of your stubborn ass and get you some daddy dick.”
Oh. My. Goddess.
A silly blush burns my cheeks. “You did not call Sunshine daddy.”
The mischievous woman winks. “Oh, sister. I did. He has sexy daddy vibes written all over him. That man is sex on a stick. How nice is his dick?” Sliding the bag up her forearm, Sola shows me various sizes of cock lengths using her hands.
When she lands on one similar to Sunshine’s, I announce, “It’s that nice.”
“Yeah. It is!”
Chuckling at this wild lady, I shake my head. “You’re the horniest woman I know.”
“Which is why these jobs are perfect for me.” Sola jangles the bag and shimmies her shoulders.
“This is true.” She is perfect for these jobs. Let’s just hope she doesn’t have to use the poison. It’s one thing to have them as a last resort, as a backup plan. It’s another when you do what I do and watch someone die. Not everyone is built to handle death. Thankfully, I am.
My redheaded sister motions to the tea and chocolate as she gets to her feet. “Thanks for this. I appreciate your help, and I love you for not tryin’ to talk me out of going. I know you prefer we relax a few weeks between jobs.”
“Yeah. I do,” I agree. “But we’ve been sisters for what… six years? Seven?”
Sola nods. “Somewhere around that.”
“You’ve been whoring around with marked men since you took your first job.”
“It’s fun sleeping with almost dead men. There’s something sexy about it. Knowing they’re gonna die. I wanna be the last pussy before they’re gone. Kind of like their last meal, but with my body. I wonder if they think about me and how I bested them with my pussy power when they’re rotting in Hell.”
Snorting a laugh, I pat the dear woman on the shoulder. “You’re insane.”
Sola’s lips break into the prettiest, toothy smile and winks. “Yes. But you love me.”
“I do.” Spinning her by the shoulders, I point her toward the exit. “Now, let’s get you a drink.”
Unlocking the door, Sola follows me through the halls and stores her wares where we keep our purses whenever we’re drinking—in a cubby behind the bar. Till’s alreadypouring me a glass of red and Sola a rum and Coke when we join Sunshine. Not wanting me to sit on a stool, he pulls me directly into his lap and nuzzles my neck. “Hey, Sweets.”
My stomach dips as I settle on his legs, his strong arm a possessive band around my middle. “H-h-h…” I clear my throat. “Hi.” The greeting comes out in an embarrassing, cracked squeak.
Sola and Till laugh at my expense—the assholes.
Sunshine chuckles warmly like he finds it adorable and kisses my neck, sending a wash of shivers to my toes. I steal my wine from the bar and guzzle the contents, trying to ignore the singe of awkwardness at being here with my friends and my… man?