Page 55 of Sunshine & Sinful

At the drop site, Kali parks us on the side of the road, and I get out first. Dark throws his bike keys at my chest, and I catch them before they hit the ground. The instant Kali’s out of the Toyota, leaving the door ajar, my son’s sliding inside. Without a single word to either of us, hedrives away. We look at each other as we watch red taillights disappear down the dark country road.

“He’s pissed,” she comments.

“He’ll get over it.”

Shrugging as if she doesn’t give two shits, Kali tails me to the Harley parked on the gravel berm. Swinging my leg over the seat, I mount the bike and offer her the helmet hanging from the handlebar, courtesy of Dark. Like a seasoned pro, she secures it beneath her chin before using my shoulder for support as she climbs on behind me. I turn over the engine and rev it a few times. The beaut purrs like a big kitten before I tap my leather-clad sides, and Kali wraps her arms around my waist, tits pressed against my back, thighs snug at my waist. It’s delicious—having her with me, enjoying the late-night air together. It’s been ages since we’ve gotten to do this. I give a thumbs-up to ensure she’s ready to get the hell outta Dodge. In typical Kali fashion, she double-taps my stomach to confirm she’s good. Patting the tops of her hands in return, I squeeze them and breathe in the fresh air, drawing it deep into my lungs. Once I blow it out, I heel up the kickstand and aim us home to shower and sleep. Tomorrow’s another day with my lady.

A day to talk about what went down.

To handle Anthony’s affairs.

And figure out how we’re going forward and if that’s what she wants. If it’s not... We’ll figure it out like we always do.

With my woman at my back, the wind in my face, the stars twinkling in the sky, and black asphalt stretched before me—life’s never been sweeter.


Cupping the poultice at my pussy, nude, stretched out on my couch, pillow behind my head, a blanket strewn haphazardly over my legs, I melt into the softness of the cushions or try to as I wait for my body to stop swelling down there, where Sunshine left his mark.

I’ve been here for hours.



Both rejoicing and regretting what happened last night at Anthony’s house in his bathroom. I took it too far. My poor, poor lady bits have never been so sore. Then again, I haven’t been able to keep the stupid smile from my face since I woke up next to a naked Sunshine wrapped around me like the perfect weighted blanket.

He made me breakfast—waffles and bacon. Yum. We ate it in bed. Naked. Touching and kissing nonstop like teenagers with raging hormones, despite the niggle down under. We showered after, and I’ve been a lazy bum ever since.

He’s wearing a pair of those ridiculously sexy gray sweats that outline the you-know-what as he paces through the house, talking to everyone under the sun to resolve this Anthony business.

I’ve seen him clean up messes plenty of times before. Getting rid of bodies and making people disappear is his specialty. But this is different. Anthony’s associated with us. Well, me. Should it get out that he just up and disappeared, I'll be a suspect. So, they’re creating a paper trail and listing his house for sale—fake sale. From what I’ve gathered with my epic eavesdropping skills, the club is buying it under one of their shell companies to look like some big investor paid Anthony a bunch of money for his house. It inflates the property value and gives him a solid reason to leave. It also makes sense why he placed an ad online and in the local paper for a new dentist to buy out his practice and took a one-way flight to some foreign country nobody can trace.

They’ve thought of everything.


I’m impressed.

Heaving a sigh, Sunshine ends a call and throws his phone onto the chair before kneeling beside the couch and kissing my forehead, cheek, and lips. I smile against his mouth, unable to help myself. He smiles back, chuckling, and rolls my nipple between his fingers. I suck in a sharp breath, and he chuckles harder.

“Colton,” I gasp, fake offended, and swat his pervy fingers away.

“Yes, Sweets?” He grins wide, acting all cute and innocent.

“You’re naughty.”

“With you. Always.” To prove his point, the menace kisses my closest nipple.

Playfully shoving his head away, I snort at his ridiculousness, but I still can’t wipe the silly smile from my lips, nor the raven-sized butterflies from going haywire in my stomach. They’re crazy today. Any second now, I expect them to burst through my skin and take flight. It’s intense but welcome. I can’t remember the last time, if ever, I’ve felt like this.

It’s him.

The electrical undercurrent between us has always lingered. Even the day we met at the nursing home before my mother died, I felt something. As a teenager, I couldn’t tell you what it was other than it was different. For someone grieving the loss of the only person they ever had in this world, you don’t have time to think about anything besides loss and survival. Thanks to them, the fear of what I’d do, where I’d live, and where I would get my next meal was fleeting.

It’s hard to think about where I’d be if not here.

Sure, Dark is… Dark. We’ve had our issues—lots of them. But I don’t regret any of it—not a single second. The pain sucks. The betrayal. All the stuff you already know about. But I got my sons out of everything. I got Lily. And… I got him… the man currently peeling the blanket back and removing the herbal, Epsom salt poultice from my pussy to see how she’s doing. I widen my legs to give him better access.