Not knowing how involved I should be, considering Sunshine has taken the reins, I set my purse on the carpet by the kitchen door and lean my shoulder against the frame, out of the way but with a clear view of all the exits and the men in the living room, just in case Anthony has some contingency plan we’re not aware of.
Then again, he didn’t see this coming, and, in some part, neither did I. He really is a piece of shit. I can’t believe I ever considered otherwise. Sunshine and Dark were right.
“Now what?” Anthony sneers from the couch, his foot tapping the floor.
Sighing as if he’s already annoyed, Sunshine pulls his phone from his front pocket and connects a call. It’s on speaker when a familiar voice answers.
“What’s up?” Dark asks, breathing heavily as if he just had sex or whatever else he does to exert himself.
“We have a problem.” Sunshine rocks back on his heels and glances over his shoulder to ensure I’m paying attention.
There’s a rustling over the phone followed by a door shutting. “What problem is that?” Dark pants, still catching his breath.
Sunshine grips the back of his neck. The muscles in his bicep turn to steel. “Your wife’s lap dog needs to die.”
Wait. I don’t understand. Lap dog?
“My wife’s wha—ohhh… My wife’s… Fuck,” Dark replies.
Biting my bottom lip, I swallow hard.
Sunshine sighs. “My sentiments exactly.”
Another door shuts on Dark’s end. “Where are you?”
“At Todd’s with Kali, and you’re on speaker.”
Yeah. I’m listening to everything. None of which sounds good.
“Goddammit. Take me off,” my ex demands.
“No. She needs to hear this shit. Enough is enough.”
“This is on you.”
“You’re sure?” Dark asks as if his dad would make this up.
Sunshine nods and rolls his eyes before flashing me a small grin. “That Todd’s actually Anthony, and that Anthony’s Penelope’s little bitch? Yep. I’m sure.”
Who the hell is Penelope?
My ex grumbles a slew of curses under his breath. “Gunz?” he queries.
“Fuck. Okay. I’ll be right over. Don’t tell Kali shit ‘til I get there.”
Newsflash—Kali already knows something, dickweed.
“There’s no fixin’ this.” Frowning, Sunshine kicks the carpet with the toe of his boot.
“I know. Fuck. I know.”
Shaking his head, the older biker disconnects the call, pockets his cell, and turns to me, but not enough to lose sight of Anthony.
“What’s going on, Colton?” I rub my palms up and down my arms.