Till levels me with a quick, unimpressed stare, "Him shielding you doesn’t do jack for the club, Kali. As for Dark, I don’t have an answer, but I’d put money on it not bein’ just for Dark’s benefit. When Dark returned with Lily and Abby, Sunshine wasn’t all kumbaya, buddy, buddy with his son anymore.”
True. He was livid.
“Maybe. But think about it. He helped me buy my house. He knew about them then, even when he said he didn’t,” I reason.
“Exactly.” Till pounds the side of her fist against the edge of the steering wheel. “He moved you out of your apartment and into a place of your own, knowing damnwell Dark was about to wreck your entire world. It gave you the security you needed when the storm came.”
Of course, she’d side with him.
“You’re only defending him because of your history,” I snip.
“What history?”
I throw my hand out. “The sex and stuff.”
“What?” Till squeaks as if she’s genuinely confused.
“You know…” Do I have to spell it out?
“I don’t know what you think, but Sunshine and I have never fucked.”
Twisting in my seat to face her, my brows furrow. “Wait. You haven’t?” That can’t be right.
“Lord. No. We flirt and act like idiots, but I’ve never fucked him. That man’s more celibate than a priest. Trust me, it’s not for a lack of trying.” Till waggles her brows at me, eyes wide and ridiculous.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I chuckle. “How did I not know this?”
She shrugs. “Because you’re blinder than a bat.”
Till turns left into what I’m just now realizing is my neighborhood.
“You’re taking me home,” I broadcast the obvious.
“Yep.” She nods. “Stop hiding, you big baby. So what if they hurt you? Fuck… that didn’t come out right. Let’s try this again… You’re a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man…”
I snort.
She flashes me a grin. “How’my doin’?”
“Awful.” I press my lips together to keep from laughing.
“Perfect.” Till clears her throat obnoxiously and parks in front of my house. She cuts the engine, undoes her seatbelt, and turns toward me in the seat. “As I was sayin’… You’re strong, Kali. Strong women face their fears. They don’t hide from the pain. They embrace that shit like a tattoo. It hurts for a while until it doesn’t. You’re left with scars. We all are. But some of them, just like a tattoo, can be beautiful. Dark doin’ shit Dark does, doesn’t define your life. Talking to them, or at least Sunshine, may change nothin’, but it could also change everything.” Till reaches across the console and pats my leg affectionately. “Now go and embrace that pain, bitch… and call me whenever you decide to murder Dark. I’ll be there with a shovel or a bag, ya know… whatever you need.”
My heart is far too warm and fuzzy for her having my back. I don’t gush my appreciation like I want to. Instead, I mimic her leg pat with one of my own. “Thanks for the ride, Till.”
“And the advice,” she adds.
Shaking my head, I fake laugh. “Sure. That, too.”
“Text me anytime, and no more keepin’ the shitty shit to yourself. Agreed?”
“Fine,” I relent good-naturedly.
“Excellent.” Till claps her hands together twice as if everything’s settled. “Now get the fuck outta my car. I have a bar to close.”
Smirking at her ridiculousness, I unbuckle my belt and reach across the car to pull my best friend into an awkward hug. She reluctantly pats my back, treating me like a leper, but she hugs me, nonetheless. Once I pull away and gather my things, I exit her fancy vehicle. Shewaits for me to let myself into the house that Lily must have locked up, turn on a light, and wave to her from my non-invaded home before she does a U-turn, flips me the bird, and high tails it out of my neighborhood with folk music bumping from her stereo.
As I lock up for the night and get ready for bed, there’s a light rap at my front door.