Order what I want.
Running my finger down the options, I select a yummy appetizer for us to share and the steak for my meal. I forgo looking at the dessert in case I’m too full to have any.
Somehow, Todd sees right through me. “I’ll have the same.” He smiles up at our young waiter. “And we’ll take two of whatever chocolate desserts you have to go.”
Not needing to write anything down, our waiter bows his head before he collects our menus and disappears.
I stare at my date like he has two heads. “This is too much.” I gesture to the grand restaurant and the… well… everything.
Todd chuckles warmly. “Kali. Nothing is too much for you.”
Chewing the inside of my cheek, I squirm uncomfortablyin my seat. The man is… I don’t have the words. I know it’s unkind to compare men, but my dating experience is limited, and Dark never took me anywhere as lovely as this. Then again, I didn’t care. I still don’t. Fancy dinners and fancy things for the sake of being fancy aren’t me. I don’t wear expensive jewelry or clothes. I wear what I like. I eat what I like. This dress is probably the nicest thing I own, and I didn’t even pick it out.
Much like in the car, Todd does what he does and talks—about work, friends I’ve never met, his hobbies, and the book he’s currently reading—a thriller I’ve never heard of. When Todd is talking about himself, he’s articulate and boastful, talking with his hands. He's cutely awkward when the conversations veer to subjects he hasn’t practiced or thought about. I prefer awkward Todd over articulate Todd. He’s endearing. The other part of him seems self-absorbed but also nice. Can you be both self-absorbed and nice? Probably.
Between eating my fill of homemade bread and honey butter, I hum and reply when necessary—a few words here and a polite smile there.
Todd doesn’t seem to notice my disconnect, but he never does, which is fine. It gives me the opportunity to soak in the atmosphere he’s too busy talking over to appreciate. A redheaded pianist plays in the corner as couples share smiles and small touches.
A lump forms in my throat as a man helps his pregnant wife from her chair to escort her to the restroom. The love glittering in his eyes is clear as day. They laugh together, sharing a special moment as she waddles like a penguin, her arm looped through his. I remember thosedays, feet hurting, back hurting, unable to sleep, but somehow, still glowing, still happy.
“Kali.” Todd knocks on the table.
I snap my gaze to his and paste on a smile. “Yes? Sorry. Did I miss something?”
“I asked, how do you like this place?” Todd gestures to the restaurant with his wine in hand.
To give me something to do, I grab my drink and take an unladylike mouthful before I reply. “It’s.” I clear my throat. “Beautiful.”
Pleased with my response, Todd grins—half-smug, half-sweet. “I’m glad you like it.”
“I do. Thank you for inviting me.”
My date inclines his head in acknowledgment as our waiter returns and sets our appetizer on the table between us. We dive in, eating more than talking, and just as we finish our first course, our steaks are set before us. My mouth waters at the herb butter melted on top, pooling beneath the cut, accompanied by a smooth garlic mash and fresh green beans.
“This looks divine,” I comment to whoever’s listening, staring at the dish with wide-eyed wonder.
Using his knife, Todd slides the beans to the side. His forehead wrinkles in distaste. “I guess I didn’t notice these.”
“Would you like me to take it back for you, sir?” our waiter asks, clasping both hands behind his back.
“Yes.” With his nose upturned, Todd shoos his plate away as if it’s contaminated. “That would be great. No green beans and none of this either.” He points to the garlic butter like it’s a booger on his plate.
I suppress a sigh as the world’s politest waiter claims Todd’s plate and leaves to handle an unnecessary situation. The menu was thorough on what the meal entailed, down to the butter and the fresh green beans. Todd clearly ignored it and ordered what I did for the sake of copying me. I hate that. Order what you want, what you like. Not what I like.
Now that I think about it…
The red wine, chocolate desserts, and steak are just from today. What about all the other dates we’ve had? How have I never noticed this before? We had the club sandwich on our diner date with seasoned fries and extra tomato. At Dark Delicacies, Todd always selects the same sweets as me. Odd.
“Eat, beautiful.” Todd nods to my untouched plate. “I’ll catch up.” He winks far smoother than I remember him ever being.
Something’s not quite right.
The hairs on my neck stand on end as I cut through my tender steak like butter. A shiver ripples down my arms as I sink my fork into the small bite and lift it to my lips. Todd watches me, too focused. His nostrils flare before his gaze drops to the gap in my dress and swings back up to my face, where he catches me watching him, watching me. Crimson suffuses his cheeks, and he looks away like a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.