They danced and danced and, sometimes, the songs were slow, and couples paired off and did the two-step around the floor.

“This one is definitely above my pay grade,” she whispered to him as he took her in his arms.

“Not to worry. Just follow my lead.”

She did. She tried. And mostly succeeded. But being in his arms, dancing close together, was a revelation. Resting her cheek against his strong shoulder, she smiled, feeling happy.

“Who knew you were such an expert dancer?” she murmured against his ear as they turned on the floor.

“Far from expert. But when you grow up in a place like Marietta, unless you’re riding bulls or cutting horses, you find your fun where you can.”

“Bulls?When you mentioned the rodeo, I thought you meant roping or bronc riding.”

He grinned down at her. “You’ve seen my buckle, haven’t you? With the bull on it? I’ve worn it just to impress you.”

His wink made her laugh. He wasn’t wearing it tonight, but she did remember that buckle from that day in New York. She’d been clearly distracted looking at him instead of the buckle. “Butbulls?Gad.I admit to watching an event once or twice on the TV. But—good God, Liam. And that’s how you hurt yourself?”

“Everyone hurts themselves,” he said with a chuckle. “And eventually, everyone gives it up. Like I did. But I still think about it. Sometimes, I even dream about it. Olivia’s brother-in-law, Finn Scott, made a good living at it, till he lost a kidney. But now he breeds bucking stock. He’s one of the best and does very well for himself.”

“They breed bulls to be good… buckers?”

He laughed. “Absolutely. They understand the assignment. They’re athletes. Pure and simple. And treated as such. There are world-class bulls pulling in seven figures.”


She held him a little tighter as the song played out, thinking about him on the back of one of those monsters with horns. The thought of it made her shiver. But that was the city girl in her talking. Here, girls swooned over the men who rode bulls, risking life and limb. It was, she reminded herself, a different world. There was so much she didn’t know about him and so much he didn’t know about her. But the more she learned, the more she wanted to know.

He pressed his lips against her hair and inhaled deeply as the song ended. The simple gesture curled low in her belly. He held her hand on the way off the floor and joined the others at the table. The witching hour for babysitters was approaching and Holly and Olivia, along with their husbands, needed to call it a night. Several, including Liam, collected the photos at the front of the restaurant that had been framed with a paper matte. It was a good photo of them and now she wished they had two of them.

“Will we see you this weekend at the Kowalskis’ vow renewal at the ranch?” Olivia asked her as they were leaving.

“Oh, you’re going?”

“They’re old friends of our family. I think everyone here is going.”

“I’m not sure I’m… invited…”

Liam put his arm around her. “You absolutely are. Plus, you get to enjoy an event here at the ranch. Our new chef’s first big shindig.”

Thatshe was looking forward to. A Michelin-star chef catering a wedding?Yes, please.

She leaned into Holly. “This really was such a fun night meeting all of you. I look forward to seeing you all then.”

“Ditto.” Holly kissed her on the cheek as they headed to their trucks and whispered in her ear. “He’s one of the good ones,” she said. “And I can see he’s crazy about you. Hope it all works out for the best.”

“Thanks.” She hugged Holly back and waved goodbye to Olivia.

She could imagine friendships with all of the women she’d met out here in Montana. They were a special breed. There was no competition, no angling for position. Just… friendship. She loved that. But it had been one of the most surprising things since coming here.

As far as things working out with Liam? The pounding dread of her father’s disapproval still loomed at the back of her mind.

But she’d resolved to push it away until she needed to face it. That time would come soon enough. But not yet.

As she and Liam walked back to his pickup, he took her hand in his. Warm and strong, his fingers curled around hers. “Did you have fun?”

“It was brilliant,” she said. “Lovely. I adore your friends.”

“I think the feeling was mutual.”