She wrapped her hand around his jacket front and pulled him closer and took that decision right out of his hands. She kissed him. Fully. Not a quick buss on the lips either. No, this was the same kiss they’d shared on her stoop in front of her house, the one neither of them had expected. The one that had been haunting her imagination since that day.
He pulled her up against him, shifted the kiss, deepening it, his lips softening against hers and she felt the tension in his shoulders relax. He tasted sweet, and she inhaled the fragrance of his skin against her cheek. Wanting that kiss to go on and on, she nevertheless felt him pull back from it and rest his forehead against hers as they each caught their breath.
“You don’t scare me, Liam,” she told him. “Nothing about you scares me.”
He swallowed thickly. “Good. I’m-I’m glad.”
“Okay,” he breathed back. “Now that we have that settled, I—”
His phone buzzed in his pocket. For a moment, she thought he might ignore it, whoever it was. But with a frown, he took it out and looked at the text.
“It’s Will. Some contractor needs to talk to me ASAP. About some work that’s going to get done tomorrow. I’d better go.” But there was disappointment in his voice. She nodded at him and he said, “Get some sleep. Tomorrow will come early.” He kissed her again in a way that seemed so natural, as if he’d known her for years.
“Good night,” she said.
“Night.” He turned and walked backward a few steps, just smiling at her in the moonlight.
The next morning,bright and very early, Emily climbed into Liam’s truck, and they drove off to some mysterious destination in the near dark. The sky was barely lightening, and, in the distance, she could still see the moon hanging over the far horizon. The early morning sky was still awash with stars, and she couldn’t believe she was here, sitting beside Liam in his pickup truck, driving to—who knew where?
She yawned and wished for a cup of coffee. Sleep last night had been elusive as it always was the first night in someplace new. But it wasn’t just the strange surroundings, which were beautiful. It was that kiss that had her tossing and turning all night long. She replayed it over and over in her head and how it could have taken a very different direction. Was she glad it didn’t? She couldn’t say. But this morning, there was an ease between them that hadn’t been there before. Maybe because they’d gotten that kiss out of the way and they could just… be together.
Now, as she turned to watch him steer his truck down the road, he caught her smiling at him.
He smiled back. “You look fetching in the morning.”
She laughed. “Fetching.I like that word. Even though I certainly don’t deserve it this morning.” She’d done her best to look okay—a splash of cold water, a little makeup… but her sleep-rumpled hair was impossible, and she’d pulled it back in a messy bun. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going? Are you… simply kidnapping me?” The prospect of that did appeal.
“Only for a few hours. And you’ll find out soon enough.” He sent her a quick look. “You like surprises?”
“Hm-mm. Generally. Unless, of course, they involve me losing my job or… falling from great heights on a surprise adventure.” He laughed and she tipped her head against the glass passenger window, watching him.
She liked looking at him. He was just so bloody handsome, in a very unself-conscious sort of way. And now that she could stare at him, unabashed, she enjoyed the way humor played across his expression, and she realized she’d misjudged him that first day they’d met. She had thought him more of a serious type. Kind, but all business. But getting to know him here with his family, she could see that he wasn’t that at all. He was funny and sweet and intense all in the same moment. And that he’d taken time away from all his work and planned this day for her—this secret adventure—really touched her.
After a ten-minute drive, as the sun was pulling up above the horizon, he pulled his truck into what looked like a small airfield with several small planes and a pair of helicopters parked near a large hangar. Emily sat up straighter. “You are not taking me skydiving.” It wasn’t actually a question. More of a declarative statement.
“Nope,” he said, reassuring her. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Although if you want to do that at some point—”
“Uh, no, thank you. That fits comfortably into the falls-from-great-heights category.”
With a grin, he pointed at the helicopter where a rather cute pilot-type guy was inspecting the back rotor. A big, curly-haired dog sat beside him, patiently waiting.
“See that guy? That’s Jake Canaday. He’s a friend of mine. This is his company, and he’s going to take us on a little tour of the area.”
Relief filled her. “Really? Brilliant!” she said, relieved. “I’ve never flown in a helicopter.”
“Now you will. I want you to see the real Montana.”
She bit her lip, excited for what was to come. She’s flown in over the countryside from New York, but nothing like a chartered helicopter ride around these beautiful valleys and mountains.
They greeted Jake at the helicopter and Liam handed him a smallish duffel bag to stow. “Picnic,” he told her. “Jake, this is my friend Emily. Emily Quinn? Jake Canaday.”
Jake extended a hand. “Nice meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”