“I—That would be… nice. I’d like that.”

“Great. I’ll come by at ten-thirty? That should give us time to make it.”

“All right. Yes. Okay. That’s lovely. Muriel’s coming as well, if that’s all right.”

“I’ll get one of those fancy yellow cabs. I think it should hold us all.” His eyes held hers for a moment, but Muriel stepped in to say good night.

“It was lovely to meet a real western cowboy, Liam. I do hope we’ll make it out to your ranch one day soon. I’ll work on getting that done.”

Emily frowned at her sister in confusion, but Liam slid his hat on and touched the brim. “You do that. Thank you, Emily, for an incredible meal.”

She smiled up at him. “Thanks for… being here.”

“See you tomorrow?”

With a nod, she said goodbye.

“Tomorrow?” Muriel repeated after they left.

But Emily just bit her lip, already thinking about what she would wear for the christening.

“Did he mean the Brodys’ thing at the church tomorrow?” her sister said.

A secret smile spread across Emily’s face. “Yes, he did.”

“Ahhhh.” Muriel punched her arm gently.

“And you, my sweet sister, will be my wingman.”

“Good food is very often, even most often, simple food.”

–Anthony Bourdain–

Chapter Three

The guests atthe Brodys’ christening ceremony the next day for their daughter, Zoe, spilled out of the church after the event, gathering below the wide stone steps at the front. It had been a beautiful ceremony, with Carolyn’s sister and brother-in-law being named as Zoe’s godparents. Little Zoe had been less than a fan of the whole thing, particularly getting drizzled with water, but Emily thought she’d never seen a cuter baby in her little, white christening gown and bonnet.

As promised, Liam had picked them up on the dot and taken them to the church this morning. She admitted to feeling a little giddy being near him. Giddy, the way she’d felt as a girl, seeing a boy she was crushing on. Which was crazy. But she wasn’t mistaken that she caught him looking at her during the service and she was guilty of the same.

Now she, Muriel, and Liam stood outside the church together as cabs began arriving to pick up people on their way to the reception which was taking place at a restaurant in midtown. Carolyn and Jess approached them, holding Zoe as they waited.

“You’re all coming to reception, right?” Jess asked with a wink at Liam.

“Of course,” Liam said, but turned to Emily. “Aren’t we?”


Muriel bit her lip. “I’d love to, but I’ve got a deadline for a photo edit and the art director of the magazine is killing me. It’s got to be in by tonight. I’m afraid I’ll have to bail on you. I’m so sorry.”

Emily began to protest, but Carolyn hugged Muriel. “That’s all right. We’re so glad you could make it to the ceremony. It really means a lot to us.”

Muriel hugged her back. “No, thankyoufor inviting me to tag along. I can’t wait to see what little Zoe Louise Brody becomes in this world.” She tickled the baby’s little feet, then hugged her sister and air-kissed Liam on two cheeks. “Sorry, you two. You’re on your own. But that’s all right, isn’t it?”

“Photo edit?” she whispered in Muriel’s ear.

Muriel just smiled. “You remember, I told you, forBritish Vogue? I’m so behind. See you later, darling. Bye, Liam.” She flagged a cab and climbed in before Emily could say any more.

So, that was how it was. Abandoned. There was no photo edit. Her deadlines were all complete before she made this trip. It was just Muriel’s sisterly decision to leave Emily to her own devices with Liam. A deep flush heated her cheeks. Well… things could be worse than spending time alone with the man standing beside her, who looked utterly gorgeous in his dark blue jeans and peacoat.