Cami made a face, stirring milk into her coffee. “Well, then—Liam. You know he’s a bottomless pit. Always has been.”
“I already asked him. And Shay. They both said it wasn’t them. It wasn’t you was it, Lolly?” she asked, reaching to take her out of Cami’s arms.
Lolly blew a bubble in reply.
“I didn’t think so. Did you have a good nap? Look at that little face… so beautiful.”
Cami was falling in more love with her with each passing day. “Isn’t she? I think she just might be perfect.”
Sarah kissed her. “Yes, you are. You are just perfect! Now if only I could find that bread. And also, the block of cheddar cheese that vanished two days ago.”
“I hate to ask anyone to risk looking under teenaged boy’s bed, but the cheese sounds suspiciously like Ryan.”
Sarah shook her head. “He’s denied it, too.”
“I guess that just leaves me, sleep-eating, I suppose,” Cami said, grabbing a tangerine from the counter bowl before changing her mind and tossing it back. “Kidding. It wouldn’t be me. I’d go straight for the Haagen Dazs.”
“I don’t think a whole loaf of bread just up and walks away on its own. Do you?”
She sighed. “Stranger things have happened at the Hard Eight.”
“Well. That’s true. I give up. I’ll just have to take this little ball of happiness to the store with me to get another loaf.” She chucked Lolly under her chin. “But first, a bottle.”
“Thanks, Mom. She’ll do five ounces, but make sure you bring another bottle to the pageant when you come. In case she gets hungry. You are bringing her, right?”
“Of course! We’re all coming. Wouldn’t miss it. Is… Gus coming?”
She nodded. “I saw him briefly yesterday when he picked up Ella at rehearsal. He’s been swamped with work, but promised he was coming tonight. Ella’s very excited to be an angel.”
“Hmm,” Sarah murmured. “Maybe she’s not the only reason Gus is coming.”
She hadn’t even told anyone about the kiss at the door the other night or even their rendezvous at Miracle Lake, which was just as well. Why add more ammunition to the well-founded arguments against getting involved with someone who was on his way out of town? Her family could be relentless.
But at the same time, that kiss and that afternoon together had only made her want him more. Made her think about him constantly since then. But today, she was forcing herself to let it all go and to focus on the present. The pageant. She had better things to do besides obsessing.
Cami kissed her mom and skillfully changed the subject. “And tell Ryan he has to turn his cell phone off during the pageant. No texting his friends.”
“Go. Don’t worry about anything now. Just focus on getting those kids on their marks. I’ll take care of the Hardesty faction.”
“Love you!”
“Love you right back!”
In between callsto local ranches, Gus stopped at the bus station at the edge of town as he’d promised Cami he would. There were few enough means of getting out of Marietta without a car, but the bus was one. Even that had been threatened with closure next year as all bus stations around the country struggled to stay afloat. It was a long shot to imagine anyone would remember Tara, even if she had come here but at least they could illuminate the possibility.
There were only a few people sitting in the plastic chaired waiting area and one man behind the counter. Gus approached him. He was an older gentleman, with white hair and beard, and a friendly, familiar smile. The nametag on his grey uniform read NICKCUMMINS.
“Nick, right?” he said by way of breaking the ice.
Nick smiled. “That’s me. How can I help you, sir?” he asked, pulling a bus schedule lying beside him to be ready for Gus’s question.
“I’m not here for a ticket,” Gus said. “I had a couple of questions, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Nick glanced around at the nearly empty terminal. “That’s what I’m here for. What can I help you with?”
“I was wondering if by any chance you could—I’m looking for someone. A young woman, around eighteen, nineteen. She would have come here pretty recently. Maybe she bought a ticket from you? Her name’s Tara. Tara Howard. She’s pretty, blonde with some pink in her hair? Maybe pink-tipped ends?”