Bella comes over with two mugs of coffee. She sets one in front of me, then leans across the counter. I take the opportunity to steal a quick kiss before she can pull away.

She swats at my arm, but she’s smiling. “Behave yourself. We have a café to open.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I raise my mug in a toast. “To new beginnings.”

Bella clinks her mug against mine. “To coming home.”

Hecate makes a gagging noise and vanishes, only to reappear near the pastry case, where she eyes a marzipan croissant with obvious intent.

I take a sip of my coffee—perfect, as always—and watch as Bella moves around her café, straightening things that don’t need straightening. The morning light catches on her necklace, making the pendant glow.

Home. After all this time, I’m finally home.