“Live your life and find your happiness. I love you, my darling, and I don’t want to be the reason you feel even a moment’s more pain.” Her last words to me suddenly surge in my mind.
Is that what I’m doing here in Evershift Haven? Have I stumbled upon the very thing she wanted for me?
I look up at Bram, studying his face in the moonlight. His features are relaxed in sleep, his wild mane of hair falling across his forehead. There’s a gentleness to him, a quiet strength that draws me in. In the short time I’ve known him, he’s shown me such kindness and understanding.
The realization hits me with sudden clarity – I’m falling for him. The thought both thrills and terrifies me. It’s too soon, too fast, and yet... Isn’t this exactly what my mother would have wanted for me? To find someone who sees me, who understands me, who makes me feel safe and cherished? Who takes care of me, as he’s done several times? That’s what she told me to find.
I reach out, my fingers hovering just above Bram’s cheek. I want to touch him, to reassure myself that he’s real, that this isn’t some elaborate dream my grief-stricken mind has conjured up, but I hold back, not wanting to wake him.
Instead, I carefully extricate myself from his embrace and slip out of bed again. The floorboards creak softly under my feet as I make my way to the window. Outside, the world is still blanketed in white, the snow glittering in the moonlight.
I press my forehead against the cool glass, my breath fogging the pane. “What do I do, Mom?” I whisper. “How do I reconcile these feelings with the grief that’s still so raw?”
The silence that follows is heavy, broken only by the soft crackling of the dying fire. I half-expect – hope for – some sign, or some message from beyond, but there’s nothing. Just the quiet of the night, and the steady rhythm of Bram’s breathing behind me.
I turn back to look at the tender male who’s turned my world upside down in just a few short days. The moonlight catches on his horns, making them gleam like polished gold. He looks so peaceful, and so at ease. I envy that peace, even as I’m drawn to it. I need time to sort through these feelings, to find a way to honor my mother’s memory while also allowing myself to embrace this unexpected chance at happiness.
Chapter 5
A FEW DAYS AFTER ITall began—and the morning after we made love—the howling wind outside Bram’s cabin finally dies down, replaced by an eerie stillness. I peer out the frost-etched window, marveling at the pristine blanket of snow covering everything in sight. The storm has transformed the landscape into a winter wonderland, sparkling and untouched.
Bram’s deep voice breaks the silence. “The storm’s passed. Would you like to see the town?”
My stomach flutters with excitement and a bit of fear. I’ve been curious about Evershift Haven since he first mentioned it, but the reality of stepping into a magical town filled with supernatural beings is daunting. “I... I’m not sure,” I say, twisting a lock of hair around my finger. “What if they don’t want a human there?”
He gives me a soft smile. “Fiona, you have nothing to worry about. Evershift Haven welcomes all beings, magical or not. Besides, you’re with me.”
His reassurance bolsters my courage. I nod and smile. “Okay, let’s go.”
We bundle up against the cold, and I giggle at the sight of Bram squeezing his massive frame into a puffy jacket. He leads me outside, his large hand enveloping my hand with his while we trudge through the snow toward a sleigh. He helps me up, and I look around for an animal or team of animals, but there’s not one in sight. He flicks the reins, and the sleigh takes off.
I grasp the edge. “Whoa.”
“Magic,” he says with a grin as the wind whips around his, blowing his mane in and around his face in a frantic whirl.
I nod, holding on for dear life and not able to relax fully. As we near the town, a shimmering barrier becomes visible. It’s like looking through a gossamer veil, distorting the view beyond. Bram guides me forward, and I gasp as we pass through. The air tingles against my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. It reminds me of my encounter in the forest that night my car crashed, making me suspect I walked through the barrier then.
Evershift Haven unfolds before us, a sight that steals my breath away. Quaint buildings line cobblestone streets, their architecture a whimsical blend of styles from various eras. Floating lanterns bob gently in the air, casting a warm glow over the snow-dusted scene.
“Welcome to Evershift Haven,” he says, a note of pride in his voice.
We make our way down the main street, and I struggle to take in all the magical sights. A group of children zoom by on sleds that hover inches above the ground. A snowman waves cheerfully at passersby, adjusting his carrot nose. Even the icicles hanging from the eaves seem to twinkle with an inner light.
“Bram Stonehorn,” calls out a booming voice. “Is that you?”
We turn to see a striking woman approaching. Her wild mane of silver-streaked purple hair seems to move of its own accord, and her vibrant purple eyes glow with an inner light. Her skin has a pale green tint, and she’s draped in flowing, colorful robes adorned with mysterious symbols.
“Grizelda.” Bram greets her warmly. “I’d like you to meet Fiona MacLean. She’s new to our town.”
Grizelda’s eyes widen with delight. “Fiona! Oh, how wonderful to meet you, dear. I’m so glad Bram found you.” She envelops me in a hug that smells of cinnamon and starlight. It’sa strange thought, since I have no idea what starlight smells like, but if it had an essence, it would be her. “I’ve been expecting you.”
I pull back, startled. “You have?”
A knowing smile plays on Grizelda’s lips. “Let’s just say that storm wasn’t entirely natural. Sometimes, the universe needs a little nudge to get people where they’re meant to be.”
Before I can process this revelation, a familiar voice cuts through the air. “Fiona? Is that really you?”
I whirl around to see Candice Winters, my old college roommate, rushing toward me. Her long blonde hair is braided intricately, adorned with what look like living flowers, and her bohemian outfit seems to shimmer with its own inner light.