“Can you hand me the kindling?” he asks, gesturing to a small basket nearby.

I bring it over, crouching beside him. Our hands brush as I pass him a handful of thin sticks, causing a jolt of electricity at the contact. Bram’s movements falter for a moment, and I know he felt it too.

We work together in silence, rebuilding the fire. As the flames begin to catch, casting a warm glow over us both, I’m hyper-aware of his presence beside me. The heat of the fire is nothing compared to the warmth radiating from his body. “Bram,” I say softly, turning to face him.

He looks at me, his eyes reflecting the dancing flames. “Yes, Fiona?”

The way he says my name makes a tendril of heat spread from my core outward. I open my mouth to speak, but the words catch in my throat. Instead, I reach out, hand hovering inches from his face.

Bram stays perfectly still, his gaze never leaving mine. Slowly, I close the distance, brushing my fingers against the soft fur of his cheek. He lets out a shaky breath, leaning ever so slightly into my touch.

“Fiona...” he whispers.

In answer, I lean forward and press my lips to his. For a moment, Bram freezes, and I worry I’ve made a terrible mistake. Then, with a soft groan, he returns the kiss, his large hand coming up to cup the back of my head.

The kiss is gentle at first, almost tentative, as if we’re both afraid of breaking some fragile spell, but as Bram pulls me closer, his other arm wrapping around my waist, the kiss deepens. I run my fingers through his wild mane of hair, marveling at its softness.

When we finally break apart, we’re both breathing heavily. Bram rests his forehead against mine, his eyes closed.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the moment you woke up in my cabin,” he confesses.

I laugh softly, surprised by the admission. “Even when I was terrified of you?”

Bram opens his eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Especially then. You were so fierce, even in your fear. It was captivating.”

He reaches up, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His touch is so tender, so at odds with his intimidating appearance, that it makes my heart ache.

“I never thought...” Bram trails off, shaking his head. “I’m not exactly what most women are looking for.”

I cup his face in my hands, forcing him to meet my gaze. “Bram, you’re incredible. You’re kind, and gentle, and strong, and yes, you’re different, but that’s what makes you special.”

A look of wonder crosses Bram’s face, as if he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. Then he pulls me into another kiss, this one filled with passion and need.

As our tongues entwine, a fire ignites inside me. I want more than just kisses. I want all of Bram. I want to feel his skin against mine, to know the pleasure of having him inside me. To be united with him in the most intimate way possible.

My body aches with desire, and I can tell Bram feels the same way. He breaks off the kiss, his breathing ragged.

“Fiona,” he says, his voice husky with lust. “Are you sure about this? My physiology is quite different from a human male’s.”

I nod, biting my lip. “I don’t care. I want you, Bram. All of you.”

With a deep groan, Bram stands, lifting me easily in his arms. He carries me over to the bed and lays me down on the handmade quilt. He strips off his shirt, revealing a broad chest covered in coarse fur. His muscles ripple beneath the fur, and I reach out to touch them, marveling at their strength. His fur is soft and thick, and I stroke it eagerly, exploring every inch of his powerful torso.

Bram leans down, capturing my mouth in another heated kiss. His muzzle makes it a little awkward to deepen the kiss, but tilting my head proves to be the answer, and his tongue surges against mine seconds later. It’s rougher than mine, but the raspy texture is unexpectedly thrilling.

While our tongues duel, he slides his hand under my sweater, cupping my breast through the thin fabric of my bra. I arch into his touch, moaning softly as he teases my nipple to a hard peak. I protest when he starts to pull away, but it’s so he can remove my sweater and bra. Strands of my red hair get caught in the weave, and he’s careful and gentle with his three fingers as he untangles them.

“You’re so tender and careful with me.” Tears sting my eyes as I utter the words.

He smiles. “You expect a minotaur to be as lumbering as...a bull in a china shop?” he asks with a laugh.

I giggle. “No, I suppose not, but you’re also far gentler than any man I’ve known.”

“That’s because they weren’t worthy of you, Fiona,” he replies, his tone serious now. “They didn’t appreciate what they had. They didn’t see the treasure before them.”

His words make my heart swell with emotion, but before I can say anything, he gently pushes me back and crouches over me. His raspy tongue against my nipple sends a jolt of pleasure through me, and I gasp, tangling my fingers in his mane. He lavishes attention on both breasts, teasing and sucking until I’m writhing beneath him, desperate for more.

Finally, he moves lower, trailing kisses down my stomach. When he reaches the waistband of my jeans, he pauses, glancing up at me questioningly. I nod frantically, urging him on. With deft movements, he unbuttons my jeans and tugs them down, taking my panties with them. I lift my hips to help him remove them, and soon, I’m completely naked before him.