Page 98 of Revenge

And then, finally, once Farmer had left with my instructions to contact Cillian on my mother’s behalf, Suki told me what had happened that New Year's Eve night. The sedative the Dr gave her helped me to drag the truth from her.

After reports of her becoming overly familiar with the head of one of the other Cartels, Gerard confronted Suki in their rooms.

Strangely numbed by the shit Farmer had given her, Suki explained in a daze, how Gerard had become enraged that night.

As I threw my arms around my mother’s trembling body, she told me how Gerard had then forced himself on her;twice.

The level of anguish I felt in that room as she said those words, caused me physical pain. We both sobbed together and even though our secrets were out in the open, it was anything but a relief.

Gerard hadrapedmy mother!

I knew then that I’d had enough and my mission became clear.

If Gerard was alive, I had a chance to get the closure I thought his death had cheated me out of. Now I knew the full extent ofwhathe had done to my mother, the manhadto pay. Cancer wasn’t punishment enough for him. I wanted him to suffer and then I wanted him dead.

Fucking dead, wiped off the face of the earth.

After taking my mother to her room, I knew I needed to take revenge for both of us.

My feelings and thoughts about Kai were mixed. It hurt that he’d kept Gerard’s condition from me but maybe, he did it to protect me.

Stop being a fool. You can’t trust him, he’s a Kinlan.

A Kinlan who had been inside of your body and had given you such immense pleasure.Kai had always made me feel safe.

Well, that girl no longer needed protection. The only way I could fully move on with my life, whether with or without Kai was to take away the one thing that still contaminated my mind.

I needed to wipe Gerard Kinlan’s existence from the planet and to do that right, I had to kill him.


For once, luck was on my side. Kai’s office was unlocked. The room was ominously quiet, all I could hear was the wind against the glass windows and the clicking sound of the nail file as I wiggled it into the lock. I must admit, they made it look so much easier in the movies.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves which had twisted into a million knots as soon as I’d entered the space. Glancing around at the bookshelves and various cabinets, the mind boggled at how many secrets they contained. If the walls surrounding me could talk, I couldn’t even begin to imagine the picture they would paint.

It was mid-morning. Nico was still out with the car and Suki was asleep and I had used that as my chance. Kai and Cillian were still out on business, and the usual level of security in the house had reduced. I knew that was because I was no longer a prisoner. As Kai had promised, I could go out if I took my bodyguard Sam. Sam had been sitting in the kitchen, looking awkward as I had watched Anton leave. I’d informed him that I had no intention of leaving the house that day and he’d stood down. He hadn’t batted an eyelid when I’d let myself into Kai’s office, he just sat at the kitchen table staring at his phone.

Pushing forward onto my knees, I reattempted my task. The desk drawerwouldn’tbudge, and I placed my fingers beneath and started to rattle it, frustration pounding through my veins. Gritting my teeth, I punched the drawer with my fist. The noise caused me to glance at the closed office door. If I made too much of a racket Sam would come charging into the room with his gun drawn. He’d only been assigned to me for a short time but fuck me the guy was trigger-happy.

As I leaned forward, my head was level with the surface of Kai’s desk. There were neatly piled papers and a laptop closed in front of me. I’d already attempted to gain access to his computer, but I didn’t know the password and after three tries, I locked him out of his account. Kai would now eventually find out I had been trying to access his files but I didn’t care. I just needed the safe house’s location, and then I would go out there and end that man’s life. With Sam hot on my tail no doubt. I hadn’t yet got to that part of the plan where I slipped outwithoutmy bodyguard noticing.

Narrowing my eyes, I pushed my hair out of my face and furiously shoved the file into the lock as far as it would go. I held my breath, there was a crunching noise and a snap as the file broke in half.

Fuck! A rush of adrenaline shot through me.

The handle was now in my hand and the pointy bit stuck in the lock of the desk drawer. I was screwed. Maybe I needed to start searching other areas of the office.

My annoyance at myself for not bringing a knife from the kitchen jumped up a notch. But arming myself with a knife whilst my bodyguard sat there watching me would not have gone unquestioned. With a surge of fresh determination, I grabbed the bottom of the drawer with both hands and shook it.


I almost jumped for joy as the compartment buckled, and with a further rattle slid off the runners into my hands. I tugged the drawer fully out and the first thing I saw was the gun.Mygun. The one Kai had taken off me in Milan. Pushing to my feet, I placed the broken drawer on Kai’s desk and stared at the weapon. As my fingers touched the cold steel a zip of nostalgia shot through me.

This was fate, ithadto be. Finding my gun whilst looking for clues as to the location of the man I would use it onscreamedmeant to be.

Running my hands down my hoodie, I scanned the room. Bullets, Ineededbullets. And that original intention of getting in and out without disturbing anything fled my mind and I searched like my life depended on it.

Shelves rattled as I started moving books to see behind them, I found a safe, which was locked and a hidden cupboard that held leather wallets. I didn’t look through them, the thought of where their owners were was unpalatable.