No more lies and pretence.
Anton was due to leave that morning so after my bath, I dressed in skinny jeans and a pink T-shirt and went to his room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to call me in.
He was already up, although he wasn’t alone. Nico was in there with him. There was a strange atmosphere with Kai’s second sitting in a chair by the window smoking a cigarette. He was dressed casually in jeans and a button-down top.
“If Kai catches you in here with that thing, you’ll be in bother,” I explained as I walked into the room after Anton had beckoned me in.
Neither spoke, they just stared at me in silence.
“What’s going on with you two?” I questioned, placing my hands on my hips. Anton was standing by the bed and was putting some clothes into a bin liner.
The silence stretched, and then Anton and Nico exchanged a look.
“Well?” I repeated.
Nico then pushed to his feet, stabbing out his cigarette butt into a saucer he was holding. I glanced over to see a tea service and remnants of breakfast on the table by the window. It suggested that they’d eaten together as it was set for two. Interesting.
“I’ll leave you two to say your goodbyes,” Nico said, placing the saucer back on the table with the other crockery.
Anton dropped the bin liner he’d been holding and turned to watch Anton leave.
“Message me when you’re ready for me to bring the car around,” Nico called over his shoulder before leaving. He didn’t wait for Anton’s response.
When the door clicked closed, he became more animated.
“What was that about?” I said, moving towards Anton and dropping my arms. His face was slightly red and he looked harassed.
“Possibly my biggest mistake,” he replied with a huff. Something was clearly going on between the two men.
“You don’t look very happy? You’re leaving today, surely that’s a good thing?” I pointed out, tapping him on the chest.
His eyes narrowed as they roamed over me, “You had sex,” he said.
OMG, what the actual fuck?
I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling defensive. “Sorry?”
Anton grinned, “I can tell, you had sex, didn’t you?”
Dragging my hands over my hair I wondered how he knew, “What makes you think that?”
Memories of how loud I had been came flooding back. OMG if he’d heard me, I would be mortified.
My friend read my expression. “I didn’t hear anything so your secret is safe with me.”
Smoothing my hair back, I gave him a quizzical look.
Anton scratched his stubble with his fingers, “You have that glow,” he explained with a head tilt.
I scrunched my nose in response, “I just got out of the bath,” I stated.
“Different type of glow,” Anton said with a chuckle.
I then realised he had successfully distracted me from the odd atmosphere between himself and Kai’s second-in-command.
“What is?”