Page 10 of Revenge

He turned, looking flustered, “Yes boss?”

“If Ieverhear you call Ava a bitch again, I’llendyou. Understood?”

The porky bastard had the sense to pale and I watched the large swallow he took, “Yes Mr Kinlan. Sorry.”

After waving them away, I pushed to my feet again and glared down at the people who were supposed to be my A team.

“Everyone, get the fuck out. Nico, you stay.”

I watched through narrowed eyes as the men supposed to be my elite level of soldiers left my office with their tails between their legs. Maybe I needed to restructure?

Nico remained in his seat with a shit-eating grin, “Surely you knew he’d fuck up?”

His words needled me, “I’m afraid my use of The Force wasn’t working when I chose that prick to handle matters. Fucking amateurs,” I snorted, jamming my hand through my hair, feeling as wound up as fuck.

“You should have sent me,” Nico pointed out, leaning back in his seat, and placing his feet on my desk. You think? The vein in my temple was surely at bursting point as I glared pointedly across the space at his booted feet.

“I needed you for more important things. Messina has been up my arse all month about my ability to run thisfuckingoutfit, in case you’ve forgotten,” I grunted. “And get your feet off my desk.”

With an eye roll and a shrug, Nico slid his feet off and lit a smoke.

“And did I say you could light up in here?”

“Fuck me, you’re a cranky bastard tonight,” he huffed as he took one long drag and then stubbed the butt out on my desk.

“You damage my desk, you pay for it,” I growled.

“Bill me,” he deadpanned.

My phone lit up on my desk to say I had a text and I lifted it to my face and swiped my thumb across the screen. It was from Cillian.

I have her new address.Cill had messaged.

Thank fuck.

Arushof adrenaline pumped through my chest. Ava was the answer to ending my troubles with the Italians. She had the power to stop a war and she didn’t even know it.

“Boss?” Nico said as he watched the mixture of emotions that must have flickered across my face at the news.

“It’s from Cillian. He’s located Ava,” I replied, throwing my phone on the desk, and washing a hand down my face.

Nico’s gaze glanced to the phone and then back to me. “So, Suki squealed?”

His words brought a smile to my lips. My father’s last wife and my ex-stepmother; Susannah Cawthorne, aka Suki, was Ava’s mother. I’d given her a home even though she’d now divorced my father (and had taken back her maiden name). The woman had lost everything when Gerard was arrested and I had been forced to step in. I’d purposefully kept her close to get to Ava. I had then instructed one of my men, Cillian to find out what she knew. And no, I don’t mean thumb screws and bright lights, I meant the traditional way. Seduction.

“I imagine she did, if the rumours of Cillian’s expertise in bed are to be believed.”

“Please don’t. You’ll give me a hard-on,” Nico said with a smile.

He meant it too as Cillian was a handsome fucker. Nico came out a few years ago and it was common knowledge that he had the hots for Cill. Unfortunately for Nico, Cill was as straight as they come. In his love life anyway. In every other way, he was as crooked as fuck.

My top hitman had been tasked with cosying up to Suki to find out if she knew where Ava was. Pillow talk was a bitch.

Cillian would be generously rewarded for his efforts. He was a lethal killer but hugely popular with the ladies. He oozed danger. The man probably had ‘Warning, Touch at your Own Risk’ stamped across his dick. Still, the woman had fallen for his deceit, hook, line, and sinker.

And now, Ava had been found.

I sat up in my chair and drilled Nico a look of determination.