“Like what? Wash the dishes, mow the law. He’s a fucking hitman, Ava.”
“I get that. But he’s OK. He’s grown on me now.”
He smiled, “So he’s won you over too? Who would have thought it.”
“He hasn’twonme over. My mother is besotted with him and I like seeing her happy.”
At the patio doors, Kai turned me in his arms, “And I like seeingyouhappy,” he said.
Another surge of joyswamthrough my insides. It was just a shame that I knew my joy would be an in-and-out scenario; just passing.
The meal was delicious and after dessert, the guests saluted Kai and me.
Kai then introduced me to some important people, and he was right, in that hour or so that followed. Ididfeel happy. I pushed the thought of our engagement being temporary and for business purposes to the back of my mind and played the part as if it were real.
As the last few guests left, I started to unwind.
In the scheme of things, the evening had been a huge success. The guests had enjoyed themselves and I had been welcomed back into the bosom of the organisation with no questions asked.
I was clearing away some of the glasses in the kitchen when Kai’s voice startled me, “You don’t need to do that.” His voicepenetrateda daydream where everything in my life was perfect and I dropped the glass I was holding.
Itshatteredagainst the tiled flooring.
“Shit, Kai. You scared me,” I yelled with a gasp, bending down to assess the mess I had caused.
I heard Kai move towards me, “Don’t. Just leave it, Mrs Shelby will see to it.”
Lifting my chin, I cast my eyes over the concern on his face as Kai squatted down and picked up a couple of larger pieces of glass.
“Here, let me,” he said, holding his hand out for what was the stem part of the champagne flute I had dropped. Smiling, I handed it over and we both pushed to our feet.
I watched as Kai placed the shattered pieces of glass on the side. We were alone in the kitchen and a thick silence fell between us.
As Kai turned to face me, my heart flipped in my chest.
“You did well tonight. You played your part beautifully.” And with those words, my heart followed the same fate as the glass.
I was reminded that it wasn’t real to him. It was all part of the act.
I felt sick and slightly dizzy as I digested how cold those words sounded.
“Are you OK?” Kai said, his expression switching to one of concern as he saw me sway slightly.
I placed a hand on the counter to steady myself, “Yes, erm. I’m fine.” My voice was breathless as Kai put his hand on my shoulder.
And then a twinge of pain shot through my finger. Yanking my head away from Kai, I glanced down to see I had placed my hand near the glass and a shard had caught my skin.
“Fuck, sorry,” I said lifting my hand.
Kai took me by the wrist and pulled my finger towards his face, “It’s OK. You’ve just nicked the skin.”