Page 80 of Revenge

“Gabriel Knight,” I said pushing to my feet. Gabriel turned and glanced at me. His face was the epitome of the professional.

“Gabriel, you remember Ava?” Kai said with a hooded expression, giving nothing away.

“I do. It’s good to see you again, under better circumstances of course,” Gabriel said, his rich voice deep. He looked good and was still as handsome as ever.

As he went to shake my hand, I noticed he wore a wedding ring.

Smiling, I said, “Better circumstances?” Considering that I was a prisoner then and was now.

“Ava,” Kai warned, his eyes narrowing at me.

I held up my hands in surrender and rolled my eyes, plonking myself down into my seat. I didn’t miss the slight curl of Gabriel’s lips as he took a seat beside me.

“Still a handful,” Gabriel scoffed, directing thisacrossthe desk at my tormentor.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Kai replied with a twist of his lips.

I thought it interesting that Kai hadfinallygotten Gabriel on his team; everyone knew that lawyers had the potential to make the best criminals.

“So, you caved in the end? I remember your father saying that you’d never work for a Kinlan, or as I remember him using your words—a piece of shit, Kinlan,” I stated, shooting him a condescending glance. The grey-haired old-timer cleared his throat nervously.

“This isn’t an official visit, I work for Philip, not yourbrother. No disrespect of course,” Gabriel replied with a glance at Kai.

“None taken,” Kai said with a smirk, watching us both with an amused expression.

I noted how he emphasised the wordbrotherand I knew he did that to piss me off.

“He’s not my brother as I am sure you’re well aware; otherwise, what we’re discussing is illegal.”

“Indeed. Not just a pretty face after all,” Gabe snarked.

Opening my mouth to retaliate, Kai raised a hand, “Enough.”

Kai then leaned back in his chair and carried the fuck on like I wasn’t there. Folding my arms in annoyance, I watched the exchange with a huff as Philip rambled about the marriage contract and pre-nuptial stuff.

Pretending to listen whilst Gabriel and Kai started to shoot the shit, I glanced down at my finger, looking at the sapphire Kai had placed there after dinner. It was beautiful, not garish, and showy like I had expected. I was to be a trophy wife after all, so I expected it to be out there. A statement, a brand of ownership. It was none of those things. When the cool platinum band touched my finger, I felt a burst of unexpected pleasure.

After all the bullshit was over, we signed the contracts. They were official and binding under the laws of the organisation; an agreementnotsealed in blood, thank goodness.

It was then that Kai explained that I was free to leave the house but that I had to take Sam with me. Sam was introduced as my new bodyguard. He was young but big and bulky and didn’t know how to smile it appeared. I made a joke only to have Kai shoot me down that he wasn’t one of my girlfriends; like I had any of those.

The whole thing lasted around two hours, and I felt exhausted. The engagement party was to be held the following day and I knew I needed an early night.

After leaving the men to smoke cigars and drink shitty whisky, I checked in on my mother. She came to the door pink-faced in her dressing gown, clearly not alone, and so I kissed her cheek and then went to Anton’s room.

Over the last couple of nights, I had slept with Anton in his room, we’d watched a movie the previous night in bed and had spent most of the night giggling. The doom and gloom had lifted from him being there and the space Kai had given me had also helped with that.

After showering in his ensuite bathroom I pulled on a pair of Anton’s new boxer shorts and a T-shirt. A few essentials had been purchased online for Anton, so he had fresh clothes for the remainder of his time at the mansion.

Part of meneverwanted him to leave, but I knew he would eventually. Kai had already explained that he would let Anton live as a wedding present. But I knew there was more to it than that. I had seen the guilt in Kai’s eyes when he had seen my reaction to Anton being hurt.

However, the deal for Anton’s freedom wasn’t totally without a catch. There were certain conditions which Anton had to abide by. He wasn’t allowed to leave the country for at least the next six months and he would be closely watched. During that time, Anton had explained that he intended to live with his mother. I was pleased as it also meant I got to see him. I didn’t ask if he could attend the engagement party as I knew the answer would be a resounding no.

It was the middle of the night and I was cold. I was half asleep and snuggled up against Anton’s, warm body when I felt another cool breeze against my skin.

Turning to face the ceiling my heart jumped as I saw a figure looming above me. I went to scream but a strong hand clamped over my mouth. Scrabbling with both hands in the air, I grabbed at the thick wrists, attempting to free myself but it was impossible, he was so strong

My body jack-knifed against the mattress as I went to struggle, but a handgrabbedmy shoulder and as he came closer, I saw it was Kai.