Ava’s face lifted slightly and I knew what she was going to ask. She wanted to know if she was off the hook, but I couldn’t let her go now even if I wanted to.
“Does that mean I don’t have to marry you now?” she said with an indescribable expression. I didn’t like that, the fact that she wanted to run from me again was like ripping open an old wound, the one Ava had given me two years ago.
“No, tonight changes nothing.”
I watched Ava’s chest rise and fall as she took a deep breath, her eyes drilling into me. I knew I wasn’t her favourite person at that moment but I powered on.
“Now you have seen the harsher side of things Ava, which was pedestrian in the scheme of things. Hopefully, you understand why Idon’twant you involved. It isn’t for everyone. I’m not being sexist; it isn’t because you are a woman; there are a few strong female soldiers that move in our circles but you are not one of them.”
“Why, what’s so different about me? Do you think I am weak?”
I shook my head with a bark of laughter, “No. You’re not weak at all. You are one of the strongest people I know. But you have a huge heart. You are kind and you belong nowhere near the darker side of this shit.”
“So why don’t you let me go?”
I closed my eyes, drinking in those words and almost choking, “Because I can’t, not yet.”
“Your business with these Italians meansthatmuch to you?”
“Yes. They must remain associates of my organisation. It isn’t just a money thing, it’s about protection. My father shook hands with these people for a reason. I need to retain that understanding.”
Ava pushed into a sitting position, which bent her body closer to mine. Her head was cast down towards the duvet and I slid my hand under her chin and lifted her face.
“Take your jeans off and get under the covers. I’ll get a cloth for your face,” I instructed firmly, releasing her jaw. I then stood not waiting for an argument and went into the bathroom, running a flannel under the warm tap. I’d had enough of seeing her look so defeated.
What afuckingnight. I glanced up and caught sight of my reflection. I had half expected to see the devil. But no, it was just me, the man who stared back. As expected, regret wasetchedinto every groove on my face.
When I re-entered the room, Ava had done as I’d asked and her clothes were at the bottom of the bed.
I glanced at my watch, I needed to speak with Cillian about Hamish. He would be busy at the club, but all it took was a phone call to Henry, my Da’s minder.
So far, Hamish hadn’t reported anything about Quinn to my father. If he had Henry would have put my father on the phone in seconds and he would bedemandinghis piece of flesh. The silence suggested that Hamish didn’t know Quinn was partly responsible for Gerard’s downfall. And it needed to stay that way. Yes, my father no longer held all the cards or the type of power he did once but he still had allies. If he also found out Ava hadanyinvolvement, her life would be in danger and whilst she wasn’t officially family I couldn’t protect her. That was another reason I now needed our union. I had failed her in the past but I would not in the future. Ava wouldalwayshave my protection. Whether she wanted it or not.
“Here,” I said, handing her the cloth. “Wipe your face.”
As Ava did as I told her (for once), I thumbed off a quick text to Cillian before re-pocketing my phone.
Lowering myself onto the mattress again, I tugged the duvet further up her body, she was sitting under the covers with her head resting against the plumped-up pillows. Ava had pulled her hair free and it fell across her shoulders like silk. I longed to wrap a chunk of it around my hand and feel the strands touch my skin.
Ava was so beautiful; her olive-toned skin was smattered with freckles. The ones across her nose were cute and begged to be counted. My eyes were drawn to that soft plump mouth of hers. It made you want to taste it, irrespective of the sass that came out of it. I could see the straps of her T-shirt peeking out of the bedspread.
I watched in silence as Ava wiped the dirt from her face. She looked so incredibly young and delicate.
Reaching out, I placed my hand over hers, taking the cloth from her nervous fingers, and running it down one pale cheek, I caught a smear she had missed. Ava didn’t resist me, she allowed me to wipe her face. I rubbed a little harder, the urge to remove all trace of her tears spurring me on. And she let me.
We were so close but it didn’t feel awkward or wrong.
Ava’s eyes were full of sadness and the dark shadows beneath them were proof of her exhaustion. It reminded me of a different time, at the wedding when she’d been hiding from the bullies. I remember I told her she would have her happy ever after, one day.
And now you are the one keeping her from that.
I drew back, “Why? Why do you do it?” she suddenly said, with a surge of strength behind those words.
I knewexactlywhat she wanted to know. “Youknowwhy,” I replied, clearing my throat before placing the cloth on the bedside table. Ava’s face was now bright pink but clean.
She shrugged and closed her eyes briefly before pinning me with a look, “Not really. It washorribledown there; like a scene from a horror movie or a nightmare. Surely there’s another way?”
Ava had only seen a small slice. Quinn’s beating was nothing compared to what had happened to some men in that room. We’re talking men stripped naked and hung from the ceiling, beaten within an inch of their lives, or cut. You get the picture.