“She’s seen enough. Clean him up and bring him to the house,” I instructed.
As I moved to leave the room, I saw Hamish’s face. He was confused and of course he would be. I hadn’t given Cillian the order to end it. To end Anton Quinn's life.
“Did I stutter?”
“No, but…”
I stopped my entire body bristling that he had the balls to question me. Turning, with a passed-out Ava in my arms, I shot him a look intended to terrify. “And if youeverquestion me again, you’ll trade places with that man in there. Understand?”
Hamish paled and swallowed, beads of sweat running down his pudgy face.
“Yes, boss.”
I then set off up the stairs out of the basement. As I got to the room I used as an office, Sean and Lester met me at the door.
“She, OK?” Sean said with a concerned flick of his head.
I nodded as both men flanked me as I moved to exit the building, “Yes. Ava fears the sight of blood. She fainted. I got my point across. It’s over.”
Lester opened the backdoor of the parked black SUV we’d arrived in.
Carefully placing Ava on the back seat, I slid her seatbelt on; just like I had that time in Milan, although back then I craved vengeance.
As I climbed beside her, I realised how my feelings had changed.
Fuck hate. The one thing I needed from Ava now, was her forgiveness.
Once we arrived back at the house, I asked one of my staff to make up the blue room, it was the only bedroom with a working lock. I explained that we would be having a male house guest. Quinn would have the comfort of my house until he recovered, and then I would give him my terms. I hadn’t decided if I would expose him as the man who sent my father down. If I did that it would paint a target on his back. My thoughts drifted to Hamish and the way he had challenged me. I also needed to consider the fact that Hamish may report shit to my father. He hadn’t been there when I’d beat the confession from Quinn but there was a chance, he’d heard the reason for him being questioned. And then there was the question of how Ava was connected.
Fuck. How had everything turned to shit so quickly?
I rang Nico who was back at the house to ensure members of staff were on hand for when we arrived home.
Nobody blinked as I walked in through the main doors with an unconscious female in my arms. Ava was still out of it.
When I got to Ava’s room, I laid her on the bed. Another twinge of guilt cut through me as I stared down at her limp, motionless body. Her hair had fallen partly over her face again and I threaded it back with my finger.
That organ in my chest that I had always believed didn’t work the same way as other people’s, squeezed.
At that point, I knew that would be the last time I wouldeverbe the cause of this woman’s tears.
Once I received an update that Quinn was secured in the blue room and being treated by Farmer, I started to unwind. I had given instructions that he was to receive the best medical care.
Now, I had to face Ava.
I had mentally started to coach myself through our next discussion, tension riddled my body. The way she had reacted to seeing her friend in the basement was like I had shattered her innocent soul. And to think I still needed her to honour our agreement. There was every chance that Ava would turn around and say she would no longer marry me.
And what would you do if she did? Force her?
The decisions I had made over the last couple of days were wrong. I had fucked up. I shouldneverhave taken Ava to see Quinn when he was in such a state. The horror on her face as she had witnessed the results of what I was capable of,searedinto my brain like a hot poker.
I was a realist. The way to unpick the harm I had caused would take time, and I would make sure I put things right if it took me the rest of my fucking life.