Page 71 of Revenge

“Even though she will hate you?”

“That’s what I’m counting on,” I replied.

Nico shook his head, “You aren’t talking sense.” He then walked away.

Ava appeared downstairs after around fifteen minutes. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she wore, jeans, a hoodie, and sneakers. Her face was scrubbed of makeup and she looked incredibly young.

What the fuck was I doing?

When we got to the casino, I purposefully took her in through the front so as not to alarm her further.

As I led her down the stairs, her face was expressionless. She’d stopped crying in the car.

Leading her into the viewing area and over towards Quinn, she trembled. He was sitting in the interrogation room, visible through the one-way glass. It was mirrored so no one could see out. Standing beside her, Ava’s face dropped as terror twisted her features.

“Are youfuckinginsane?” Ava yelled, herhorrifiedgaze flicking to mine when she saw Quinn tied to the chair.

I shrugged, “No more than usual.” It took everything in my power to harden my heart. She needed to see this.This is who you really are.

Turning back to her friend, I watched as Ava started shaking her head, her feet rooted to the spot. At that point, her body language was hard to determine and I didn’t know if she would sink to the floor or throw herself against the glass.

Ava started to drag her hands down her face as she stared into the room. Quinn’s eyes were still bruised but even if the poor fuckercouldsee, he wouldn’t be able to see us.

Ihatedthat look on her face when Ava realised where I had brought her; that place, she’d mentioned that first night at dinner, where the ‘magic’ happened.

“Don’t forget. You asked to be here,” I reminded her.

“Did I?” she panted back, her gaze riveted.

Narrowing my eyes, I stepped back to give her space and a moment to soak in what she was seeing. Ava stood in front of the glass window, staring, her hands wrapped around her middle like she was cold.

“Have you seen enough?” I asked softly from some distance behind her.

She then turned and started moving toward me. Was she stupid enough to try and attack me with my men there? Under normal circumstances, I would have found the thought of that cute; but cute didn’t belong anywhere near that fucking moment. Hamish, Lester, and Sean stood behind us, covering the door and Cill was in the room standing behind Quinn.

“Please Kai,” Ava cried, throwing herself onto her knees before me. Tears werestreamingdown her face and I would be lying if I said that didn’t move me.

Seeing her humble herself like that got on my last fucking nerve. I couldn’t stand the level of fear that was radiating from her slight, trim body. And it was all my fault. But this was all necessary, I needed to make a point.

What have you done?

My time for attempting to appear casual ran out and my patience snapped, “Get up, Ava,” I barked, trying to step back but she wrapped her arms around my legs, hindering my retreat. Ava clung to me tightly, like she was drowning and I was her lifejacket, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth.

I am the reason you are here.

Hamish moved forward to grab Ava by the arm, no doubt to drag her away from my feet. I raised my hand, snarling, “Don’t fucking touch her.” I struggled to keep my cool as I couldn’tbearthe thought of anyone’s hands on her but mine.

Hamish paled, raised his arms, and backed the fuck off. That was a good thing as I was so close to punching him in his shit. Seeing sense, he walked over and positioned himself strategically by the door.

I did my best to rein in theoverwhelmingsurge of anger I felt at myself for doing this, putting her in such a position. My hands were curled into fists so tight that my knuckles were white.

That confident version of Ava I had sparred with in the gym had been destroyed. Gone was her tough fighting exterior and in its place, lay a broken, delicate female. My thoughts jumped back to that day at the wedding when she’d run from the bullies. That day I saved her. And now, I was no better than them.

Fuck. I had made a mistake, but my men were watching and I couldn’t back down now and appear weak, even for her. Fuck that,especiallyfor her.

Ava’s face was buried against my knees and I leaned over and grabbed her upper arms; my grip tight but not enough to hurt her. I had to be firm, if I didn’t, that would send the wrong message to all fucking parties.

Untangling her from my legs, I dragged Ava to her feet. She was like a rag doll in my arms and I felt a surge of anger towards the others who were witnessing her crumble.