I lowered my body into my chair, aware of how small she looked in the cloak of my shadow, but the stubborn jut of her chin suggested she wouldn’t make it easy for me.
Strong, bold, and courageous, the type of individual who wouldn’t put up with my bullshit. Ava would not bow down and kiss my arse like most women did and the challenge that presented lit a fire in my veins.
I intended to offer her a platonic proposition; a partnership. But if the physical side of things were on offer, I would happily make myself available to scratch that type of itch. After experiencing our chemistry and just how passionate she was, we would both benefit from a sexual relationship. I just had to keep feelings out of it. I had always been cold and had never let emotion rule me and whilst I did care for Ava, I was determined,neverto love her.
Never say never.
Love was a dangerous bitch and wasn’t for me. Money and power were all that mattered.
I watched Ava’s face screw up as she tasted one of my best malts, “Not a whisky lover then?”
“Not really,” she replied, placing the tumbler on the desk. “So, are we going to sit here, drink and shoot the shit or are you going to tell me what you want?”
I ran my thumb across my bottom lip, wondering if Ava was still thinking about our kiss. The way her eyes kept dipping towards my mouth I would have said so.
Ava stared across the table; her doll-like features cast into a worried expression.
I tightened my hands into fists as I thought about what Gerard had done to her.
The fact that I had let her down sucked shit until I did something to right that wrong. But what? Fucking put a bullet in my father’s head? How was that justice, more like letting the cunt off easy.
“You said it will get me my freedom. If that’s the case, consider it done,” she replied, some of the stiffness left her shoulders.
“You might not want to be too hasty, Ava. Fools rush in,” I added before she could count her chickens.
Her expression suggested she was plotting my death before curiosity overshadowed her dark look, “Just tell me what you want.”
I drew in a breath before I replied, “You.” My tone was predatory and I hadn’t intended it to be.
Her brow creased and she swallowed, “You already have me.”
“Not totally. I want you, for a year. As my wife.” I could feel my composure starting to crack.
She didn’t fly out of her chair as I expected, her face remained impassive and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
“Why?” Ava said with troubled eyes.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, I was itching to touch her, reassure her. Leaning back in my seat, I surveyed her, taking in the slight flush against her sharp cheekbones.
“I need to change my image,” I informed her, wondering when the hysterics would kick in.
A bitter laugh escaped her lips before she said, “You look fine to me.”
My mouth twisted. “Justfine?”
“Youknowyou’re hot shit Kai, but you’re not husband material,” she stated, clearly amused.
Sothat’swhy she hadn’t run screaming from the room. She thought I was joking.
“I’m not joking, Ava. To clean up my appearance and appeal to some business associates of mine I need to become a family man. They don’t trust me. They see me as a playboy with no family values. They’re threatening to pull a business merger and I can’t let that happen.”
“You, a family man,” Ava snorted as if we were speaking of the impossible.
I nodded slowly, “Yes, for appearance's sake. Call it a PR stunt, but a necessary one. I must project that I am a serious man who intends to settle down.”
“And you really think that marriage to me will do that?”
“Yes.” I tapped my fingers against the solid surface before me. Agitation started to snake up my spine as I watched a cocktail of emotions rush through her.