Remorse for beating him pulsed through me but I shot that shit down. He sent your father to fucking prison. Youhadto make an example of him if nothing else.
And now the fact that I haddonethat, made me feel like shit.
What thehellwas happening to me, I wasn’t a nice guy; reasonable and rational. The fucker still sent my father (no matter how big of a cunt he had been) to prison. And he’d involved Ava, which had resulted in her shooting me and running away.
“Hamish messaged to say Quinn is asking to see you.”
“Does he know why?”
“It appears he is now at the ‘begging for his life’ phase. He also wants to see Ava.”
“Exactly. I would say your attempt at seducing her is well and truly fucked when she sees what you’re capable of,” Nico chuckled. His comment pissed me off.
“There was noattemptat seduction, Ava kissed me,” I pointed out with affront.
Nico raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Justsayingthose words took me back there.
“So, how was it? You’ve waited long enough.”
“What?” I snapped enraged, but the bastard just grinned at me.
“You looked good together. Pretty damn hot. If I were straight, you’d have given me a boner.” I hated that he called me out on the kiss.
“Your boner is thelastthing I want to think about,” I snarked.
He was right though; Ava and Iwerehot together. That forced me to think again about how amazing it felt to kiss her bratty mouth. Ava’s small, tight body fit perfectly against mine. I had fought my attraction to her for years and even now I wasallowedto have those X-rated thoughts, I still felt guilty. Fucking guilty!Especiallynow I knew that Gerardhadtried it on with her.
But how far had he taken it? Had my father forced himself on his stepdaughter? He said not. That didn’tbearthinking about.
Nico broke that chain of thought, “I don’t think your plan for a ‘business’ relationship will last long. What about consummation and all that shit? I bet you keep it in your pants all of five minutes.Ifyou get her to agree to the marriage that is. Have you even mentioned it yet?”
I ignored his question and went for, “She’ll agree.”
My second looked at me, stone-faced, “What makes you so sure?”
“Because at the end of it, Ava will have her freedom. Complete independence and a new life elsewhere. Away from me and mine.Justlike she’s always wanted.” As I delivered my speech, I felt like smashing my fist against my desk. Luckily, I managed to stop physically lashing out, but my usual poker face was crumbling.
A quiet lull fell between us and I knew Nico’s gaze was drilling into me, trying to see inside my head and steal all my fucking secrets.
“And youreallyintend to let Ava go at the end of it?”
I mentally wired my jaw shut, giving myself time to respond.
After a brief silence, I inhaled before saying, “Yes.”
With a cluck of his tongue, Nico slowly shook his head and said, “Then you're more stupid than I thought.”
After that comment, I didn’t want him in my office a minute longer and I didn’t care if he felt that shit rolling off me in waves.
I exhaled.Hatingmyselfandmy friend for rubbing my nose in the shit of my making.
“Fuck off, Nico. You’re not helping,” I said on an exhale. Frustration pumping through my shoulders. I suddenly felt as stiff as fuck.
Nico lit up the cigarette he’d been holding. I didn’t stop him, fuck, part of me wanted a drag.Anythingto claim some control back.