Page 42 of Revenge

“Why? Don’t you like my dress?” I questioned with a coy look and his eyes darkened.

“What little there is of it,” he returned, his hands sliding gently back and forth close to my hip bones. I so wished he’d place his palms over my arse cheeks and tug my pelvis further into his. We would fit so fucking perfectly like that.

“See, you can’t even do that right,” I pouted, loving how hard his chest was against my lace-encased body.

Kai frowned but I could see the devil dancing in his eyes, “What? I said I liked your dress.”

Cocking him an eyebrow I added, “Yes, whilst suggesting I look like a slut.”

“You look stunning, Ava. You know you do. I just don’t think you need to show as much skin; less is more.” Less is more my arse!

I raised my fingers and played with the strands of his dark hair. The length was slightly longer than he usually wore it. Kai’s eyes closed briefly and I saw him draw in a laboured breath. He was enjoying my touch and trying to hide it. I was getting to him, at last.

“Bullshit. You don’t seem to mind that your date is dressed like a street walker,” I pointed out in a soft purr. Before he could correct me, I added with a grin, “Apologies, your fuck-buddy.”

He barked out a laugh.

“I’m surprised you know the term,” Kai volleyed with an arched brow, moving his head which made me drop my hand to his shoulder.

I ran the other hand down his chest, gazing up at him with my best puppy dogs, “Of course I do, I’m not some clueless little girl.” What was I doing, I didn’t even recognise that version of myself but he wasn’t pushing me away.

He also didn’t contradict me, “I prefer the term, friends with benefits,” he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, “I’ll just bet you do,” before glancing at Thomas and the tart. Kai’s eyes flickered to where I was watching.

“Are you jealous?”

My heart skipped a beat but I managed to answer in a sultry voice, “Of her, not a chance. Her dress doesn’t even fit her.”

Kai’s mouth tugged at the corners, “I meant that she’s dancing with a boy you like.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Thomas? I don’t like him, not in that way. He’s too young. I like older men,” I confessed with a bright smile.

“You should start with someone closer to your own age,” my stepbrother unhelpfully suggested. His words immediately got my back up. There he was again, making me feel like a kid.

“Excuse me; start? You talk to me like I’m a virgin.”

A muscle flexed in his jaw, he didn’t like that, “Because that’s what you are Ava.”

“How would you know? Maybe I’ve fucked every boy in my class?”

I saw a flicker of annoyance cross his features as he said, “Don’t let my Da hear you say that.”

“I don’t care, Kai. He’s not my father, he’s yours. I can date and sleep with whomever I please. I may even have my eye on someone tonight,” I stated, feeling moody. The conversation was now starting to kill my buzz.

“I see,” Kai replied taking the pussies way out. He must have known he was the one I was talking about. My body was pressed so tightly against his and I could feel something hard pressing into my hip. Was that what I thought it was? Oh my, I needed to get my head out of the gutter.

There was a beat of silence before Kai leaned into me, his face lowered to the side of mine.

“I told myself I wouldn’t be a dick to you tonight. It’s your sixteenth birthday, so why don’t we call a truce? Put the war on hold?” He inhaled deeply before pulling back a touch.

Was I mistaken or did he smell my hair? The thought sent a jolt of excitement through me.

My eyes scanned his face, “You were the one who declared that war. I was perfectly happy with the old Kai,” I explained, placing my head against his chest, the alcohol fizzing through my system.

“The old Kai? What was he like?”

“Nice to me,” I told him in a sad little voice.