He was being vague on purpose.
“Can’t you just answer the question and be straight with me for once?” my voice was a croak and I darted a look towards the doorway where I had entered the lion's den.
“Where’s the fun in that? I think under the circumstances, it’s only right to draw it out. That’s what you’ve done to me for the last two years.”
He was clearly still harbouring a grudge the size of London.
Kai placed his hands on the table, “Bottom line, it’s time to grow up Ava and face the fact that there are always consequences to our actions. You’re not a child anymore, you’re a woman.” At the word woman, his eyes dipped to my breasts and then back again. The move was slight but I’d been trained to read body language and a sexual heat fell into the space surrounding us.
Fire raced into my cheeks as I realised Kai had just checked me out. I was surprised he’d bothered withthatarea. I was slim and didn’t need a bra. I hadnothingto shout about in the boob department. But then my friend Anton said that a hetero guy wouldnevergrumble at a pair of tits no matter how small they were. Rich considering he was as gay as a tree full of parrots.
OMG,wherewas my head at? I couldn’t believe that I was thinking about my breastsandKai during the same thought process.
Before I could let that thought of Kai checking out my rack fester he ploughed on.
“So, back to those allegations you started to throw around and what you said at the vault. Tell me what my father did to you to force your hand in such a dangerous way. You do realise if Gerard had found outyouwere responsible, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
My stomach was suddenly in knots, “I don’t want to talk about it, it’s in the past; dead and buried.”
“How convenient,” he huffed.
I smiled thinly as I stated, “Just like dear old Da. Sorry, no offence.” Baiting him about his father’s death was silly; what thehellwas wrong with me?
A strange look crossed Kai’s features before he masked it and shrugged nonchalantly, “None taken.” I knew it was mean to bandy his father’s passing about like that but the man had been a monster.
“So, what else do you want to know?”
And then he dropped the bomb, “Whatelsedo I want to know? You’ve told me nothing so far, nothing of consequence but I’ll play along.”
Kai paused for what felt like forever before adding, “Who is Anton Quinn?”
Panic bled across my features as he pushed forward in his seat, clearly witnessing my shock before I could mask it.
“Have you been going through my phone?” I snapped.
He shook his head, “No. I didn’t take your phone.”
My mouth opened and closed like a fish. If he hadn’t taken my phone, where the hell was it?
“Your phone is in the pink bag I had packed for you. It was in the pocket of your jeans and I moved it so it wouldn’t get blood on it.”
“So, you didn’t eventrygoing through my phone?” I said surprised.
“Of course I did, but it was locked and facial ID doesn’t appear to work on unconscious women.”
“Well, you learn something new every day,” I snarked.
Kai ignored my sass as he continued his explanation, “I could have gotten around that but my tech man, Miles, is working on something more important than hacking what is probably a burner phone. I doubt there is anything on there I don’t already know.”
He was such a cunning bastard.
“Your handbag is also in your room,” Kai explained.
“And my passport?” I said, with hope in my voice.
He smiled and shook his head, “That isn’t I’m afraid. I’ll hold on to that for a little while longer.”
“Of course, you will. Silly me,” I responded with a huff, I remembered seeing my gym holdall at the foot of the bed as I left the room but hadn’t seen my handbag.