“What knife?” Suki put in pulling a horrified face.
Luckily, she was distracted as the lady from the kitchen spooned out my mother’s starter.
“Thank you, Mrs Shelby. The soup smells delicious,” Kai complimented. The kitchen woman was dressed in black and looked old enough to be his mother. She blushed with a smile as she ladled soup into Kai’s bowl. “Please inform the Chef that Miss Cawthorne likes her steak cooked medium.”
And there was the charm my mother mentioned. He was such a handsome devil. Kai would physically appeal to women ofanyage. Why couldn’t he be fat and ugly or skinny and wrinkly like his old man had been? The thought that my mother had ever saidI doto a man like Gerard was something I wouldneverunderstand.
We watched each other silently as Mrs Shelby moved to serve me. I thanked her, I wasn’t a complete brat.
As she walked away, I fidgeted with my cutlery before facing my captor with the strongest deadeye I could muster. Kai was right, the steaming soup smelled divine. It looked like a chunky vegetable which was one of my favourites.
As Kai and Suki picked up their spoons, I followed suit. My mouth watered as I tasted how beautifully the vegetables were cooked. I’d spent far too long living off MacDonalds or nothing, I had forgotten what proper food tasted like.
We ate in silence until Kai and I finished. My mother placed her spoon down partway through. It looked like shestillate like a sparrow. Suki was fixated on counting calories.
Pushing the bowl away to confirm I had finished I drummed my fingers against the table top as I eyed my stepbrother. “So, how long will you be keeping us here Kai?” I questioned. Suki remained silent and continued staring down into her soup. I hated that Stepford Wives vibe coming off her. And was I overthinking it, or had she hadanotherboob job? Her breasts looked a bit like two overinflated balloons shoved down her dress.
I was also very aware of the hitman lurking in the background. What the heck was he doing there anyway? Guarding his boss in case I attacked him?
A whisper of a smile curled Kai’s lips, “Us Ava? Your mother is staying here of her own free will and has done so for a while now. Surely, she told you what happened after my father was arrested?”
And of course, she had. I worried my lip, praying that this wasn’t the moment Kai brought up the truth that I was responsible for that arrest. My mother had never hinted that she knew it was me, even when we spoke about Gerard’s incarceration on the phone. Maybe I should be the one to bring it up?
I decided to let it go, considering what my mother had been through when I’d left. Part of me wanted to thank Kai for looking out for her, but I still needed to know his motives.
As Mrs Shelby appeared and cleared away the first course, a man started to serve our mains. It was steak with new potatoes and salad but I lost my appetite, only managing a few mouthfuls. My meat was once again, cooked to perfection.
The rest of the meal felt strained, with my mother and Kai doing most of the talking, but it was all about mundane shit. Stuff on the news, Suki talking about plans for the holidays. It was normal and yet it wasn’t. My mother’s presence must have reminded Kai how to be human again.
You cannot trust this man!
I knew that calm wouldn’t last much longer as before dessert was served, Suki made her excuses about feeling tired. We both said goodnight and she left the room, Cillian Connors hot on her heels.
The classical music track ended, bathing the room in silence and the atmosphere thickened.
My belly swooped, “So, just the two of us. How romantic,” I said, placing my knife and fork down. I knew I was acting like a petulant child but I couldn’t help it.
“You used to enjoy being in my company,” Kai pointed out with an arched brow. God, even that was sexy. If he brought up the night of my sixteenth birthday party I would stab him with my fork.
Shrugging, I replied, “Things change.”
“Indeed, they do,” he admitted, the smile not reaching his eyes.
With a tilt of my head, I watched him for a moment before asking the obvious, “Why haven’t you told my mother that I got Gerard arrested?”
He flexed his shoulders as he decided how to reply. “What makes you think I haven’t?”
“I know my mother. She would have said something to me.”
I could see a mixture of thoughts being processed across his shrewd face, “You know women are never involved in business. I also wasn’t sure youwereresponsible.Soleyresponsible I mean. And that is something I intend to find out Ava. That and your motives.”
Fuck. Did that mean he knew I’d had help sending his father down? I attempted to keep my face blank, maybe he’d move on from that point if I didn’t respond.
Poker face time!
Kai scrutinised me over the rim of the wine glass he held, his expression one of mischief and menace, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a glass of wine?” he asked after he’d taken a sip and placed it down. Kai had offered me one earlier but I’d declined. His voice was low and casual but the tattoos on his hand flexed angrily as he raised the napkin to pat his lips. The man was a walking, talking contradiction.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead shook my head. I needed all my faculties for what was coming next, “No, thank you.”