And Kai stepped away, raising his hands, “As I said, therestof our lives, but you’ll need to give me a couple of hours to straighten this out. Nico is waiting to take you home. I will see you later.”
“Are you being arrested?” I said, concern shooting through me at the thought of Kai being sent to prison.
He shook his head, “Not for long. It’s time to get my hands smacked. I’ll see you back at the house my darling girl.”
“I love you, Kai.”
“I know.”
After one last exchange between Kai and me, I stepped back, watching as they led him away. The man I would spend the rest of my life with…
In handcuffs.
Four Years Later
Susannah & Cillian
invite you to an evening reception
to celebrate their marriage
on Saturday, 10 September at half past seven
Queen Mary’s Primary School Hall, Holborn
By 9 July
Apartment 4, 1052 Church Street
London, N1
So, there I was at my mother’s wedding;again. Only this time I was happy. I was twenty-four, I had a life, a career, friends and shit just got good. And I wasblissfullyin love.
Was I worried that Suki’s new husband was a borderline psycho?Nope.Not anymore. I had finally come to terms with the fact that my mother was big enough and ugly enough to look after herself. And if she was having an off day, and couldn’t cope; Cillian wasalwaysthere to pick up the pieces. The ex-hitman worshipped the ground she walked on.
Suki had theperfectother half, her own villain who would never letanyonefuck with her.
Said villain was also my stepfather as of two hours ago. As I said, shit got good but there was still a fucked-up element in the mix. I smiled as I watched people on the dancefloor paying their respects to the newlyweds. The guy may have hung up his gun, but everyonestillkissed his arse.
“You promised you wouldn’t work today,” I scolded with a frown, casting Kai and his lawyer, Gabriel a look of reproach. Gabriel Knight wasfinallyon the Kinlan payroll, after years of trying to get the man on side.
He was afantasticlawyer with a high success rate in the courtroom and was now Kai’s chief legal advisor. The straw that broke the camel’s back after countless negotiations to tempt Gabriel to work with a Kilan was that one word;legitimate.
“I’ve signedthreedocuments, that would hardly qualify as work, my love,” Kai replied with a killer smile. He was well-practised at getting himself out of the shit. The man could still charm the pants off anyone. His dark hair was cropped shorter than usual. But he still looked more dangerous than polished.
I rolled my eyes as Kai signed the last piece of paper; something to do with a property acquisition that clearly couldn’t wait. I was surprised he’d found a space to lean on as our table was littered with empty bottles of beer and half-full wine glasses. It was a party and we were supposed to be letting our hair down; something Kai rarely did. He always made time for business.
“You’ve been distracted most of the day and I know that was your phone that went off during the ceremony,” I stated, smoothing down my bridesmaid's dress. It was made of black satin, and fitted with a heart-shaped neckline and spaghetti straps. It showed just the right amount of cleavage. Too much and Kai would kick off, it just wasn’t worth it. He was so possessive of me and Ilovedit.
“I’ll make it up to you later,” Kai promised handing the last paper back to Gabriel. I watched the lawyer’s lips curl to one side as he listened to Kai’s promises.
Kai was good at winding me around his little finger, but when I put my foot down. He listened. We had an understanding. We were equal partners, just like I had always wanted.