“Please, be mine. Forever. Just the two of us.”
“Yes. A million fucking times, yes!” I cried, pushing up into his arms.
And the deal was sealed with a kiss.
Then the sirens started, faint at first but getting louder.
Kai took my hand in his, “What about my stuff?” I said motioning towards my bag.
“Don’t worry, Nico is here, he will collect everything and bring it home. That’s where we’re going. Home, Ava.Ourhome.”
Kai and I stepped out onto the steps and I glanced around the runway. The breeze blew my hair in all directions. It was chaos outside the plane. There were four SUVs with blackout windows and several armed men; all Kai’s soldiers from the looks of things. Two of the cars were parked across the runway,blockingthe plane.
That was the obstruction.
“Oh my God, did you drive your car in front of the plane? You could have been killed,” I gasped.
“Captain Matthews wasn’t taking Nico’s calls. I did what was necessary to stop you from leaving.”
A thrill shot through me at the lengths he’d gone to. It was so romantic.
I squeezed his hand and he smiled, before glancing away.
Several unmarked cars which I knew to be police cars came skidding around the corner, all heading towards the plane.
“Shit,” Kai muttered.
“I assume they’re not with you?”
He grinned as we started to walk down the steps, raising a hand to stand his men down as they went to draw their weapons. It looked like there were around five police cars and a riot van. It would have been a blood bath.
Shit. What next? Were we going to spend the first night of our lives together, behind bars?
At the bottom of the steps, Kai turned me to face him.
“I love you with all my heart, Ava Cawthorne. I’m no one without you. It’s taken me years to get my head around it. I’ve been a stubborn fool, thinking I needed no one. But I was wrong. You made me want to be a better man. And I will do what needs to be done. I will change, be who you want me to be.”
“I want you just as you are, Kai. I always have.”
We then shared a passionate kiss, surrounded by shouts and slamming doors.
The police then swarmed around us with their weapons drawn and I saw Nico climb out of one of the cars, instructing the men to surrender.
And as Kai drew back, he looked down at me, kissed my nose and said, “We have much to discuss, Ava Cawthorne. But we have the rest of our lives to do it.”
“Yes,” I said with a smile as we were approached by two men in suits.
“Kai Kinlan?” one barked.
Kai didn’t turn towards those men, one of which had cuffs attached to a belt at his waist.
The love of my life’s smile got meatier and he winked. He didn’t appear at all concerned by what was about to happen. “I’ve never highjacked a plane before. You think they’d let me off considering I own it.”
“Will they let you off?”
“I doubt it. It’s not about the plane, it's about the disruption.”
“Alright lovebirds, step away Mr Kinlan, hands where I can see them,” the larger policeman of the two said.