The slight dot of crimson added to my nausea.
Before I knew what was happening, Kai had dragged me over to the sink and stuck my finger under the cold water, “Ava. Just keep your eyes on me, it’s fine.” I could hear in his voice that he was worried I was going to faint, but the sickness I felt was more down to what he had said than my injury.You played your part beautifully.
The coldness of the water took the sting out of my finger. I stood there for a couple of minutes, attempting to get my thoughts in gear.
Don’t let him see how he has upset you.
Once Kai was certain the bleeding had stopped, he turned off the water, but he didn’t release my hand.
I watched, warmth pooling in my tummy as Kai twisted and turned my finger in his hand, checking it.
Like he cares about you.
And then somethinghugehappened.
Kai’s free hand slid into his jacket and he pulled out a handkerchief, a crimson silk one. I watched, my heart fluttering like a bird in a cage as he wrapped the silk around my finger and tied it.
The design of the hanky was one I remembered well.
As Kai smiled at his handy work and said, “See, as good as new.” Memories and realisation as to who Kai was,slappedme in the face. But not in a bad way, in more of a wake the fuck up. How did you not see it before?
Kaiwas the boy from my mother’s wedding. The one who saved me.
My mouth dropped open as Kai lowered my hand. I caught the embroidered letters which were partly revealed from the makeshift bandage he had created.
K K which clearly stood for Kai Kinlan.
Kai raised his face to mine, his eyes narrowing, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he said. The cliched comment should have been amusing but I was in too much shock.
Stepping back and away from the sink, I turned away briefly.
“Ava?” Kai said, placing his hand on my shoulder.
Turning back to face him, I hit him with the full force of what I remembered.
“It was you,” I said, my voice deeper than usual.
His brow scrunched, “Whatwas me?”
“You saved me, from Tasha Wilkinson and the bullies at the wedding. My mother’s wedding. You’re K.”
His expression didn’t change that much which was a surprise. Maybe he didn’t remember what had happened. The incident had been a big deal to me but it may not have been for him. His next wordssmashedthose thoughts out of the water.
“And you’re Boo. So, you remember.”
I nodded, “And so, do you?”
Kai dashed a hand down his face. “I never forgot, Ava.”
“Youalwaysknew it was me?”
He nodded and then motioned towards me, “What about you? Did it only just come back to you now?”
Lifting my hand, I held my bandaged finger towards his face, “I remembered because of this. Your handkerchief. I still have the one you gave me that day.”
A cocktail of emotions crossed his face as he took in those words, but I could see he was pleased. Why would he be pleased I kept the handkerchief if he didn’t give a shit about me?