Page 69 of Revenge

“And there it is, to a certain extent. That’s the bit Idon’tlike. It all sounds a little archaic. And if I say no,” Ava said, glancing back at me from beneath her lashes.

The weight of the situation set in, I couldn’t let her leave, not yet. I also couldn’t play the Quinn card just yet. She’d want to see him and I needed his face to heal first.

So, I pulled out the big guns and acted like the arsehole she thought I was.

“Then I would keepbothyou and your mother here. But your stay won’t be as pleasant.”

“So, I’m to be a pawn in your sick game of playing the family man. I can’t believe your ego is so fragile that you would need to dance to the tune of another Cartel. You don’t own me Kai, and I won’t allow you to control my life again.”

“It doesn’t need to be that way. See it as a partnership.”

“How can you expect me to sign a year of my life away, I think I hate you,” Ava sighed, glancing around the office with a defeated look. Fuck I hated that. I knew she didn’t mean it but the words hit me like daggers anyway, “No, you don’t. I wish you did. It would make it easier. And your head and body are certainly not in tune, what happened upstairs is proof of that.” If Ava did hate me, it would make things so much easier. I’d then have no expectations to live up to.

“That proves nothing,” she said with a stutter, her face flushed.

“If Nico hadn’t interrupted us, I would have been balls deep inside you against the fucking wall, and you know it.”

Ava’s pupils dilated and her mouth dropped open. I could see from the heat on her neck that she was reliving the moment. And then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and I knew I had won.

“Fine. One year and that’s it.”

I took a deep breath, relief pooling into my gut.

“If I do this. I want a full partnership,” she said.

I nodded in agreement, “That’s what I’m suggesting.” If Ava was agreeable, I fully intended for her to share my bed; and feel her lush little body against mine whilst I plunged deep inside her, repeatedly. Ava had started the fire there with her little stunt in the gym and I felt my cock throb against my fly. The chemistry between us was off the chart and she’d felt that too.

“No. I mean. I want in for the whole twelve months. I don’t want to be left in the dark about business stuff. I’m not my mother. If I am part of this, it’s all or nothing. No lies or burying my head in the sand like most women in this twisted business do.”

I lowered myself back into my seat and placed my elbows on the desk, “You know women are not involved in the darker side of this life. Especially not wives. It isn’t for the faint-hearted.”

“And I’m not fainted-hearted. You know I can handle myself. You’ve seen it.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking, Ava.”

A sick feeling punched me in the gut at the thought of introducing a not-yet-twenty-year-old girl to the dark side of the business. For Ava to see my monster in all his nasty glory.

“I know exactly what I’m asking. I want to see the true evil of this sad little world for myself. So that I know when I leave it, I have done the right thing and will never need to look back.”

“Maybe you should sleep on it,” I said, my voice deep and scratchy.

“If we are to be partners. I need to be told the truth and not lied to,” Ava batted back.

“Even though you will see things that you’ll find hard to stomach? Hear things?”

“Yes, I’m tougher than I look,” she replied, her face deadly serious.


Grasping my hands together, I watched her across the table. She sat so straight, resembling the queen I knew she could be with time, “I know you’re tough, Ava. But your request sounds counter-productive.”

It was at that point that the worst thing happened, a phone started ringing, the one I had confiscated from Quinn. The ringtone was unique and I saw that Ava recognised it instantly.

Shit. I slid open the drawer, grabbed the phone and ended the call, keeping my finger on the power button until the screen went black.

Ava watched me with eyes blazing as I closed the drawer. She shot to her feet and fisted her hands. “You son of a bitch,” Ava snarled.

I remained seated, determined not to lose my cool. Placing my arms back on the desk.