“You’ll figure it out Kai, you always do.” My eyes flickered between all three men, at that point, I wasn’t so sure.
As we drove away, I had the biggest storm cloud in my head. I was angry and annoyed at myself. Not the best headspace to visit the basement and question, Quinn. But what could I do?
You let Ava down all those years ago and now you’re going to hurt her friend, someone she cares about.
I was screwed. If I showed leniency to a man outside of the family who’d fucked one of us over; it suggested I was weak. And I didn’t mean, Sean, Lester, and Cillian; my whole fucking operation.
I had the truth now and it was as unpalatable as shit.
Leaning back against the seat, I realised it was the first time I had heard Cillian call me Kai.
What the hell was happening?
A shift was coming and I just hoped I managed to figure out what the fuck to do before it did.
When the car pulled around the back of Club Pacino’s, my mood hadn’t improved. Thoughts of how I had wronged Ava churned into me like a dirty fucking saw.
If she did hate me, I couldn’t blame her. I had failed her in so many ways.
And now you're going to have her friend beaten within an inch of his life.
What the fuck had I become?
You must be the one to do it. Then you can pull your punches.
And that is what I did.
It didn’t take Quinn long to admit that he was responsible for compiling the shit on my father. He admitted sole responsibility and it made me respect him. He was trying to protect Ava from me.
This resulted in me going even easier on him. And because he meant so much to Ava. The woman I had failed in every possible way.
“You handled damage control well, considering the mood you were in,” Cillian said as we exited the car in the driveway of my house.
“It wasn’t my first rodeo,” I replied with a smirk of humour. Something I wasn’t feeling at that moment. My knuckles were skimmed to fuck.
“Are you going to allow her to see him?”
As the men moved the cars, we went into the house.
“No. Not straight away,” I replied, thinking of Quinn’s eyes, one of which was swollen shut. Fuck me, she should be thanking me in the long run. I handled it. I could have given the job to Cillian or worse. And he was still breathing.
“You need anything else?” Cillian said in the hallway. He wanted to be elsewhere and I knew exactly where that was.
“Has Suki ever said anything about how Gerard acted around Ava?” I asked.
He frowned and pursed his lips, “Not really. Her ex-husband is not a topic of discussion when we’re in bed together.”
Fuck me, from his tone, I’d hit a raw nerve.
“Are we done?” Cillian said, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking back on his feet.
I nodded, “Yes, but before you retire, find Nico, and send him to me.” I made my tone firmer than before. Cillian needed a reminder of who was in charge it appeared.
My body was tense as I lowered myself into the chair behind my desk. Fuck me I needed a workout; something to release that pent-up energy and anger.
My next steps had to be on point. I couldn’t allow any more fuck ups. My biggest one was trusting my father and turning my back on one of his victims.