Page 123 of Revenge

“As far as I remember, there was noblowingof any kind,unfortunately,” Max said with a grin as colour flared into Lady Swift's cheeks. Bingo.

Kai and I exchanged a look.

“I’d quit while you’re ahead mate,” Kai smirked.

“Talking of head,” Max puffed out with a sly look towards his girlfriend who raised a hand to cut him off.

“I think that’s enough for one night, Max,” Amber said, pushing to her feet. “I’ll go to the bar. We’ll all have passed out from thirst before you get your arse in gear.” It was Max’s round.

We all exchanged a look as Amber stropped off towards the bar, several lustful eyes following her. Max grunted as he watched her go and then scowled as he saw the attention she was getting from some of the male wedding guests.

“Better go do some damage control,” he muttered, “The chances of getting my end away later just radically dropped I’d say.” After shooting us a cheeky grin he charged off after her.

“Remind me why I do business with that clown again,” Kai huffed, pushing his phone into the pocket of his tux trousers.

Max owned a construction company and his services had been brought on board for the new casino Kai was building; Capones.

I shrugged, “Because he’s good at what he does. You only surround yourself with the best remember,” I pointed out, pushing to my feet, turning, and then slotting myself between his legs.

Kai ran his hands up my thighs and heat fizzed through me. Fuck, he looked amazing. I loved my boyfriend in a tux.

“Oh, I know I only surround myself with the best.” He grinned sexily pushing to his feet, his hand sliding to my waist.

As Kai towered over me, he bent his head, kissed my nose, and slid his mouth to my throat. A flutter of pleasure ran down my spine as he started kissing and nibbling my neck. I felt his hand leave my waist as he motioned to someone behind me.

Kai drew away as Sam appeared, “Boss?”

“Keep an eye on that case. If you leave, it goes with you. Understand?”

“I’ll guard it with my life, Kai.”

Sam then took the case and returned to the main doors with the other security men. They all answered to Cillian now.

“I see Sam still has a flair for the dramatic,” Kai said walking us onto the dancefloor.

I placed my hands around his neck and smiled into his perfect face. Getting him to dance at any event was like attempting to bite your own neck,impossible.

“He’s eager to please,” I replied.

Kai’s eyes narrowed and a flare of jealousy swept over his features. “Is he now?”

I laughed as he tugged me closer against his frame, “Not like that.”

“Good. Keep it that way.”

“Hey sweetie,” Suki said as she and Cillian moved in beside us. My mother was now in business with Max’s partner Amber. They ran a party planning business and were extremely successful. Amber too had a flare for events and her contact list was immense; we are talking celebrities, politicians; and members of the upper crust who loved to parade their pedigrees.

And then there was me, after enrolling on an adult college course in business. I was now the manager of Pacino’s, taking over from Kai as he concentrated on setting up his new casino Capones. It turned out I had a great head for numbers and problem-solving.

Capones was a sister business and the building was being refurbished. Hunter Construction, Max’s company was responsible for that side of things.

Yep. Things were going well. Suki and I shared a private joke about Cillian as he woodenly moved to the music. He wasn’t devoid of emotion and you occasionally saw a glimpse of amusement. Humour to one side, heworshippedmy mother. That was good enough for me.

Before I knew what was happening, one of my favourite songs started playing. The band on stage were managing to keep people on the dancefloor. Not always easy at weddings.

Kai suddenly spun me around and I placed my hands over his arms as he slid them around my middle and pulled me back against his chest. Resting his chin on my shoulder he focused on my mother and her new husband.

“So how do you feel?” he said, whispering against my ear.