Page 118 of Revenge

“This is your captain speaking, please remain seated, we are experiencing a minor delay caused by an obstruction on the runway.”

Obstruction? Maybe there were birds out there. I’d read how they could affect planes taking off.

My brow creased in despair. I’d had the worst of mornings and now the flight was going to shit.

As I looked back towards the front of the aircraft, everyone was now in the cockpit. What the hell were they doing?

I then heard noises from outside, the sound of several engines, shouting and what sounded like a car backfiring.

My face ached from the tears which had now dried on my cheeks and I took a deep breath, contemplating undoing my seatbelt, but the female flight attendant appeared from the cockpit, ashen-faced.

I shuffled up in my seat and grabbed the belt but the woman I had spoken with minutes ago shook her head and raised a hand, “Please stay seated Miss Cawthorne.”

“What’s going on,” I shouted down the aisle.

I saw her throat move as she swallowed, “I’m not sure, I think we’re about to be boarded.”

What the actual fuck?

Straining to see through a porthole window at the other side of the craft, the passenger stair truck was driving slowly towards us. I could hear the vehicle beeping.

Were we taking on another passenger?

And then from the pit of my stomach, a small seed of hope appeared.

Biting my lip, my eyes widened as I watched another man in a pilot’s uniform instruct the woman to release the door.

The captain then appeared, he said something to the crew and relief hit their faces. Well, we weren’t being hijacked then. My day would truly have hit rock bottom then.

I suddenly felt, giddy with an injection of anxiety as my eyes locked on the door.

The staff stood in what looked like a wedding receiving line (and believe me, I knew exactly what one of those looked like).

And then the female flight attendant started to release the door, yanking the huge lever. It swung outside and allowed fresh air to burst into the cabin.

My fingers released my seatbelt and I pushed slowly to my feet. I went hot and cold, fear of the unknown powering through me.

Could it be? That seed of hope bloomed somewhere deep inside me.

My jeans and tee felt like they were sticking to my body. I wore the jeans Kai had kidnapped me in and a pale grey camisole. My pink gym bag sat beside me on another seat.

I had left everything else at the house, including the contract and bank card, Kai had left for me.

My breath hitched as I saw the flight attendant smile nervously and step back and then a male jean-clad thigh appeared through the doorway. Followed by six feet plus of brooding, raw, masculinity.

Andrawwas the operative word. I haveneverseen Kai looking so dishevelled.

My heart jumped in my chest and I clutched my throat, shock thrumming through me.

I studied him, feeling thunderstruck. A thrill swept through my core and I had to grab the headrest of the seat in front of mine, to steady myself. My legs were like jelly.

Kai Kinlan stepped further into the cabin. He wore aviators which hid part of his face. His shirt was open halfway, potentially misbuttoned and he must have slept in his clothes looking at the creases.

The man was a wreck. His hair was mussed and there was scruff on his chin.

My mouth dropped open as his head turned in my direction and his body stiffened as he saw me.

The thought that he had come for me made me almost giddy with joy and I stumbled forward, clutching the seats on either side for support.