Do you need to fucking shout at me? I know he’s missing.
The doors opened, and Scott stepped out, not seeing the other guy staring open-mouthed from his rudeness. He strode with purpose into his office. The man in the elevator, not anywhere on his radar, when he placed his laptop bag down and headed back out into the corridor, walking straight to Dakata’s—Christa’s office.
He didn’t so much as hesitate to knock; he had no time to waste.
Christa glanced up, a frown tugging at her sculpted brows. “When did you ever enter an office without knocking? And why aren’t you at the hospital?”
The snap to her tone that could flay skin from bone, Scott didn’t notice. He jabbed a finger at her. “I went to the hospital, and the bear is gone. I need to find him!”
Christa lounged back in her seat. “I feel I’m missing something here?” Her expression revealed her interest.
“Does Dakata have the cab driver's contact information?” he asked, ignoring her inquiring stare.
“I have no idea.” Her perfect bow lips pulled into a thoughtful pout. “You’ll have to ask him yourself.” She tapped her painted nails on the arm of the chair. “In fact, why don’t we both take a trip to the forest to talk to Dakatain person?”
“What? Why do you need to come?” Scott questioned, his scrambled thoughts giving him no clue as to why he’d need an escort. As far as Scott was aware, Christa didn’t like nature or going places with more foliage and fewer creature comforts. Scott was aware they were more alike that he would ever admit.
She rose and smoothed down her dress down over her sumptuous curves as she came towards him. “I’m your boss—”
“No, Merihem is my boss after Dakata. You are an employee, the same as me.” Scott had made this point before, Christa liked to quibble over such things.
Her laughter was bold as she slipped an arm through Scott’s and turned him towards the door he’d come through. “You are too easy, you know that? That snooty tone gets me every time.”
“I do not have a snooty tone,” he argued, blocking his demon, who laughed as hard as Christa.
“You do, and you love to use it when you’re annoyed. Like now.” Somehow, she guided him back out of the building sans his laptop bag, something he never left work without. Into the back of the car, with Christa giving directions to the driver.
“I need my laptop!” Scott declared, hand going to the door handle.
Christa reached for his hand, removing it from the handle as the car pulled from the curb, not allowing him a chance to argue. “Do you sleep with the damn thing?”
Scott eyed Christa with a look that spoke volumes to his pissedoffness as he shook off her touch. “Of course not.” He may have occasionally fallen asleep while working with the laptop on his lap. That did not count.
You keep believing that.
Give over, will you?
Whatever. Just find our bear, or I will.
You will not go on a rampage, do you hear me?
Play another demon tune, this one isn’t jibing for me.
“What’s wrong with you?” Christa tapped on Scott’s forearm, bringing his attention to her.
“Nothing,” he snapped back, then took a breath to calm himself. Today was not going according to any of his plans.
Our blissful one is not a plan, and you need to get your head out of your ass before we find him.
My head is most definitely not up my ass,Scott exclaimed, feeling affronted at the very thought.
See, this is what’s wrong with you. You need to let loose a little.
Scott blocked his demon, this time with more force, as he’d had enough.
“Your demon side giving you a hard time?”
Christa’s question was asked so quietly that Scott initially thought he had not heard her correctly. He met her gaze and something about her eyes suggested a sadness about her he’d never noticed before, so he answered honestly. “Yes.”