His father got up with an ugly sneer aimed at George. “We will talk about this when you can be civilized, and that creature isn’t with you.”

Scott let go of George and grabbed his father by the lapels of his very expensive suit, dragging him so close he could smell the wine he’d had with his supper. His demon side watched quietly, not intervening…yet. “You listen to me. I’m done being civilized. My blissful one is worth ten of you.” His fists clenched tighter in the silk material as he yanked him still closer until their noses were nearly touching. He held his stare, seeing his father's eyes widen with shock. “Fate gave me a gift, despite what you believe, and I am worthy of it.” He felt it deep in his core. George’s love came through their bond, driving him on. “I am worthy of my honey bear. Nothing will change that.” He glanced at Asmodeus. “Nothing. I will fight whoever tries to prove differently, and I will fucking win, you hear?” he demanded, his demon coming to the fore, uncaring that the demon king could tear them to pieces, not when it came to George.

Asmodeus rose, towering over them, fathomless dark eyes assessed him. “Have you finished?”

Scott released his father, making him stagger back and have to jerk to right himself or fall over. His mother then rose and went to him. The pair stared at him like they’d never seen him before. They hadn’t, because they’d never seen who he was.

“Yes,” he answered with a more civil tongue as George came and tugged Scott into his side in a protective move that set Scott’s pulse thumping for a whole different reason.

“To be clear, you arranged for me to come toyourhome, so that you could complain about your son’s choice of blissful one? That you wish for me to undo what Fate has chosen to give to Scott? Is that correct?”

Iciness dripped from each word and the hairs over Scott's body stiffened like an icy spray had blasted them. Tension radiated off George, who never took his gaze off Asmodeus.

“Why yes, it needs to be sorted,” his father answered with probably a little too much condescension than he should have when aimed at Asmodeus. His mother nodded, offering a vapid smile.

“Nothing needs sorting, we’re mated. You ain’t changin’ that.”

Asmodeus gave George a fleeting look that Scott thought was all respect and something else, regret. “On that, we agree.” He reached out a clawed hand and placed it against Scott’s shirt. “Fate has spoken.”

The hand fell away, and Scott got a weird feeling coursing through him. Had the king done something to him? He glanced at George, unsure what to make of it all.

George shrugged, but a gleam of amusement appeared in the depth of his gaze when he turned his attention to those in the room watching them wearing matching expressions of doubt. “We done?”


Asmodeus gave his father a withering look that shut him up. “For now,” he replied when looking at George.

George nodded. “Good, let’s go home.”

Scott gave his parents one last look. “If you ever find the part of decency—of love—that was missing when it comes to me, and now to my blissful one, you know where I work. Until that time, I won’t be back.” As he left, a part of him grieved the loss of something he had never had.

Back in their home a moment later, a sob escaped, and then another. George held him, whispering soothing words. When the weight relinquished its hold, Scott felt hallowed out and freer.

George wiped the tears from his cheeks as they held each other. “Feel better?”

Scott considered it for a long moment. “Yes. Yes, I do.” He kissed George, tasting his own salty tears. “What do you think Asmodeus meant by ‘fate has spoken’?”

George chuckled and glanced down at his belly. “We’ll find out in a few months’ time.”

“What…” Scott glanced down, wide-eyed as his brain caught up. “No… holy crap… how… what… I’m gonna faint.”

Scooped off the floor in a move that would never grow old. “Don’t worry, I got you.”

A baby.

We’re having a baby.

A Baby.

Scott’s demon laughed his blue ass off.Thank the demon realm, the demon is finally out of the bag. Or will it be a bear?



Asmodeus had enough. The only interesting part of the visit thus far was Scott’s arrival with his blissful one, who smelled of something that was unmistakable to Asmodeus.

The bear has been to the forest.