Maybe, but don’t get your hopes up that he’ll want to do it again.
You leave that to me. You just keep with this relaxed, no fuss pot vibe going and we’ll be all good.
Scott rolled his eyes at his demon and munched on the crispy bacon his stomach demanded. It was the smell, and the lack of a warm body pressed against his that brought Scott out of the bedroom. He’d grabbed the nearest thing to hand to wrap around his body—it smelled of George. It comforted him, which he and his demon half were still in need of. The text he hadgotten from Merihem telling him to take a few days off left him not in the least bit conflicted.
Leaving George, no, he wasn’t ready for that when he did not know if the threat to George was definitely over. The message said little, only requesting them to pay a visit to the forest later today, with George.
There was also the issue of whether George would be upset about whatever Merihem and Dakata did to the great buffoon.
Asshole. Fucktard. Shit head. These are more like it.
Yes, well, that may be the case, but we don’t want to upset George. He’s suffered enough.
“Is there a reason you’re scowlin’ at the bacon?” George asked, a worried furrow appearing as he eyed Scott’s plate.
“I…” Scott sighed, and he caught George tensing. “Your father…” he held George’s gaze. “Will you be upset if they—”
“Got rid of his superior attitude about what he can and can’t have that belongs to me?” He shook his head. “I’ve spent years hiding, worrying about when he’d finally catch up with me.” A black look appeared, one Scott had never witnessed before. “The fucker was gonna milk me like a cow.”
Scott pushed back from the table, body shuddering with outrage. The comforter fell to the floor as he glowered. “He was goingto do what!” he bellowed, his demon ready to emerge and hunt the fucker down and chop off his hands—even though that had probably already been done.
George chuckled and placed his cutlery down, pushed back his chair, and patted his lap.
They didn’t need words, Scott was on his lap in a heartbeat.
George held him close, his nose nuzzling into Scott’s hair. “You saved me.” Those three words swept away the anger, and Scott’s body responded to the bulge growing under his ass.
He lifted up for a kiss and wasn’t disappointed when George gave him one that curled his bare toes and left another part of him straining for attention.
Somehow or other, sometime later, Scott was sweaty and sticky, lying in the center of George’s enormous bed with his blissful one, breathing hard and pinning him to the covers.
He grinned up at the ceiling, not feeling in the least bit guilty about the fact George had… ravished him, “On a workday,” he giggled.
George shifted and rolled, bringing Scott with him to settle on top of him. “Workday?”
Scott blushed, or he probably would have if he wasn’t already flushed from their make-out session. “Doing this”—he pointed between them—“during work hours. A workday.”
The hand stroking down towards his ass paused, and back was the tension filling George’s body. “Is that a problem?”
Nothing about the tone suggested George was worried, but through their connection, Scott felt it. He understood his past behavior, which he’d already said he’d need help with from George, was to blame. He made himself a little more comfortable, lying fully on George, folding his arms on top of George’s chest so he could rest his chin on them and meet his gaze. “I have OCD, I know I do, and by acting the way I have, I’ve made you feel…”
“Worried I’m not enough for you,” George whispered.
Scott accepted the stab of sorrow at the words because they were the truth. “I felt like I was the one not good enough for you. That because I’m different, ‘not perfect’ that I needed everything around me to be perfect when I’m not.”
George’s growl was all threat. “Your family’s got a lot to answer for. There is nothing wrong with you.” He slipped his hands under Scott’s armpits and dragged him up his body until their lips were nearly touching. The skin sliding against skin got a groan from both men, but George never wavered. “No one is perfect, not a soul alive. Me and my bear, we want you here in our home. Want you to make a home with us. We don’t care about whether or not your behavior is perfect. Whether thehouse has a little clutter here and there. None of that matters ‘cause we have you.”
Scott gave a very undignified sniff and did his best to blink back the tears stinging his eyes at the sincerity of his bear's words. “I want to promise that stuff won’t make me want to tidy and clean, because we know I’d be lying. But you might want to offer… a reward system to me to distract me.” As Scott said it, he and his demon warmed to the idea.
Sexual rewards.
Hell no. I might even encourage you to go all fuss pot for sex.
“Reward system?”
“Yep. Say I have a bad day and I’m annoying you with my behavior, you offer me a reward. We could make a chart where I get to pick something.”