George’s eyes didn’t stay closed for long. Scott, when he wasn’t tensed up, when he wasn’t anxious, when he was just sprawled across George’s sheets without a care in the world, was the most beautiful sight in existence. George defied anyone to tell him otherwise.
Musing about how he wished Scott would trust him enough to let go of his tight controls at times, it was only natural for hisbrain to wander over the events of the past day—two days—George had no idea. In captivity and away from Scott, it was easy to imagine every minute was a lifetime, and it wasn’t as though George had a watch or a phone handy.Shit. They’re going to have to be replaced… assholes.
In a weird, backhanded way, George was relieved his father had finally made his move. After having spent most of his life always looking over his shoulder, being so careful about who had his information and why, changing his whole identity, and living as far under the radar as he could…I should’ve known good old Cuthbert would find me, eventually.
Not that it had done Cuthbert any good. George had no doubt Merihem and Dakata would take care of him, making sure no one would find the remains. He wouldn’t be surprised if he read in the news about a giant fire somewhere remote, either. At the end of the day, it didn’t matter. Cuthbert had played his last hand and lost.
George’s heart rate increased as he thought about how close he’d come to being violated. Cuthbert’s hand hovering so close to his dick. Scott stirred and murmured something, and George held his breath, trying to control his emotions.
It’s over.
It’s over.
It’s over!His bear had come through. Scott had smashed his way into the lab and brought friends. Cuthbert was never going to bother him again.Everything is going to be all right.
I hope.
Smiling ruefully in the dim light, George shook his head. When he and his mate were naked together, they fit with each other effortlessly. George would never know if it was his father’s potion that spurred him into giving up his ass for his demon, or if it was something else. Some deep, hidden desire he had and just hadn’t acted on before, perhaps. It didn’t matter. It was done. George wasn’t sure if he’d do it again, but he wasn’t going to have a conniption about it. He’d been willing, it was fun…But sooner or later, Scott is going to pull on a suit again and…
They were going to have to talk. George knew it. Scott probably did, too. After all, his mate was an intelligent man. Casting his eyes around the room, George inhaled sharply before letting it out slowly.I’m not in danger anymore,which had been Scott’s excuse for wanting to stay at his sterile penthouse. Now, all George had to do was get his mate to stop working for five minutes so they could sit down and have a solid heart-to-heart. And if that talk included Scott recognizing George’s house as a possible home…
Don’t go getting ahead of yourself.George didn’t know what had happened to his brand-new taxi. Was it stuck in that non-existent road where he’d been taken, or had the guy who took him used it to get them to wherever his father’s lab had been? Was driving a cab even a good idea when all he wanted was tobe with Scott while the man was working? Questions, questions, questions.
Enjoy the moment,his bear suggested, and that was good advice. Tucking Scott under his arm, George closed his eyes and let sleep take him.
Chapter Twenty-Five
It wasn’t often that George got out of bed before his lovely demon, but Scott was still sleeping soundly when he slipped out, took a quick shower, and then went to inspect the contents ofhis refrigerator. There wasn’t a lot there—basically because he’d spent most of his time since meeting his mate at Scott’s place. But a quick trip to the corner store just down the road, and George had the fixings for a decent breakfast. He’d also bought buns in case Scott got up and immediately wanted to get to the office. At least George could take solace in that he’d sent Scott off with a meal.
When Scott stumbled in twenty minutes later, he didn’t seem to be dressed for the office. He wasn’t dressed at all. He had one of George’s comforters wrapped around him, with just his head sticking out. His hair was still all over the place, and George smiled widely.
“You’re just in time for breakfast. Did you sleep well?” He wanted to say something about “ignore the mess,” but he didn’t want to attract Scott’s attention to his everyday clutter.
“Hugs first.” Scott shuffled around the counter as George hurriedly shoved the fry pan off the heat. “I woke up, and you weren’t there.”
“You had a busy day yesterday. I wanted to provide you with some sustenance.” George pulled Scott into his arms. “Demon heroes who double as busy executives need their food.”
“Merihem won’t let me into the office.” Scott yawned. He didn’t seem upset about it. “Him and Dakata want to see us in the forest this afternoon. By the way, Merihem found your taxi. That’s being delivered here in about an hour.”
“For someone so sleepy, you still manage to get a lot done,” George teased, dropping a kiss on Scott’s mussed hair before taking a longer smooch when Scott tilted up his face. “We don’t want the eggs to go rubbery, babe,” he added when they finally pulled apart. “Have a seat. I’ll bring you a plate.”
“I love this.” Scott must’ve still been half asleep because he shuffled back around the counter and dropped into the nearest chair, pushing aside a pile of mail George had left there. “Your place is so much more homely than mine. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well and every room smells… amazing.” He blushed a bright pink, like he’d just realized what he’d said aloud.
“That could be the bacon you’re smelling.” George quickly served up the food onto two plates.Don’t get your hopes up.“Here,” he added as he came around the counter with the plates, putting them on the table. “Eat this, and you’ll feel more like yourself.”
“I don’t want to feel like my other self. I want to feel like this. Warm. Comfortable. Loved.” Scott picked up a knife and fork and looked George right in the face. “I think I need help with that.”
Suppressing his happy dancing bear wasn’t easy, but George managed to confine his glee to a wide smile. “Then you’re in the right place. Eat first, babe, and then tell me how I can help.”
He meant it. He would need help, maybe. The fear had driven out all of his old behaviors because nothing was as important as George’s safety to him. They had expressed that repeatedly over night. Scott had let his demon have his way, and he’d let him have his way again if George got to moaning the way he did when…
His demon was laying back once more, fanning himself, utterly smug about his conquest of their blissful one.
He loved it.