Nothing satisfied them, when they didn’t know who had dared to touch their bear. They got close to his ear. “Did you touch my blissful one? Get some of his spunk?”
A hand touched his arm, and his head fired around, ready to snarl, only to meet George’s beautiful eyes. “Honey bear,” he cried in relief, his hands relaxing.
“I’m here, my love. He got nothing from me. Nothing,” he spat at the man they held fast. The hand pressed a little firmer, helping ground them when there was the connection they had lost.
“I’ll… get… what I want in the end,” howled the man beneath them. “It’s my fucking DN… arggghhhh,” he gargled as they tightened the strap, twisting so hard blood seeped past the leather.
Scott couldn’t remember a time he wanted to kill another person as much as he did then. He, though more an observer in this,wanted exactly what his demon wanted. Blood. Death, to be inflicted painfully for daring to hurt George. “You will get fuck all,” they roared, incensed once more. “He is my blissful one. My mate. You took him from me. You dared to lay hands on him when the universe has deemed him mine for eternity.”
Merihem moved to the table. Blood remained on his chest, and his expression was that of evil incarnate, causing them a moment of wonder. Was this how Merihem looked when he went to dole out death? “I’ll deal with him.”
The gargling sounds coming from the man made no sense as he attempted to twist and wriggle away. The sound of shoes thudding down the hallway made them look up in time to see a man running past the doorway. “Dakata, stop him.”
Dakata was already moving, and within a minute, had returned, gripping the other man by the back of his neck. “Now, where do you think you’re going?” he growled fiendishly.
The guy immediately blubbered like a baby. “I didn’t touch him.”
“Who the fuck strapped me to the table?” George growled.
The upset was enough to get them to jump off the table in a fluid move, knowing Merihem would take over. They lifted George clear off the ground, hugging him tightly. Naked skin touching naked skin made them shudder and George groaned in that sexy way he did when he was getting ready to cum.
Scott grew conflicted by the arousal and the audience, his demon had no such issue. He was not stopping. The feel of George’s pre-cum rubbing up their belly as he wrapped his legs around their hips and rutted against them, increasing the smell of arousal. It enticed them into madness.
“Scott, be sensible, you don’t want any of George’s cum left in here.”
Dakata’s words sank past the lust, and Scott didn’t give his demon a chance to protest and translocated them back to George’s home. Scott didn’t think about why he felt this was better for both of them when there was another priority. Reaffirming their connection.
His demon didn’t relinquish his form. A need Scott could not deny him when George’s hot mouth moved down their throat, kissing and nibbling, leaving a trail of delicious sensations that made them throb with untold need.
The two sides warred. Scott wanted to treasure George, yet with each inhale, his scent clouded Scott’s demon’s reasoning and made it harder to consider taking it slow.
“Don’t want slow,” George murmured hotly against his flesh, as if he had plucked the thought from their head. His teeth sank into their mating mark, sucking deep.
Their cock jerked against George's, cum painting his cock, marking him, covering the other chemical scents marring his skin. “That’s it, come all over me,” he rasped, releasing his biteto lick and murmur, “I’m yours, only yours. No one can have any part of me, because it belongs to you.”
The words were heady after the emotional rollercoaster they had ridden. “Mine,” his demon growled. “Forever.”
“Forever,” George replied, his mouth claiming theirs in a blistering kiss that easily brought back the ache of arousal.
Needing something more, his demon hiked George a little higher, holding him one-handed and with a thought, he conjured a bottle of lube.
What are you doing?
What does it look like?His demon’s reply came with a dose of ‘are you stupid’.
We don’t—
You don’t. I do. I want this, and so does our bear.
I’m not sure.
I am.
As if to prove his point, they pushed George up against the first flat surface, a door, and his demon, with another thought, de-clawed his fingers and had lube on them.
George growled and moaned at once at the first touch to the crease of his ass when the insistent finger slid between his parted cheeks. The kiss became wild, and Scott had no other choice but to let go and sink into the madness that followed.
George made noises, none of which suggested they should stop. His demon twirled the tip of his lube finger over George’s hole in teasing, gentle strokes, warming the sensitive flesh until George was rocking into each touch, encouraging them to continue.