“I know it’s fucking different. I asked who the hell you were and what you’re doing here? Are you going to finish me off? Checking to see if the demon that wrecked my car had done his job properly? Well, guess what? He fucked up. I’m still alive, and I want to know who the hell you are, Mr. Demon Realm.”

And stop smelling so damn sexy.George didn’t have time for that shit. For all he knew, the demon just looked good because he’d had a severe blow to the head.

The man-demon did a funny tilt thing, as if he had a crick in his neck, and then said, “I’m Scott. I work for Dakata’s organization. Merihem, the demon in the taxi with you, asked me to come here, make sure you’re being taken care of, and ensure all the bills get paid in full.”

“Well, that’s the first bit of good news I’ve had today.” George shifted on the bed, trying to sit up.

Scott was hovering, and George really didn’t think he’d be able to contain himself if the demon touched him, so he glared until he was sitting under his own steam. “I probably shouldn’t have snapped. Not having the best of days. Seriously, you’re here to help me out?”

“Whatever you need. I’m authorized to take care of everything.”

George became fascinated when Scott nodded, and barely a hair on his head moved. It was like someone had glued it to his head. A very sexy head…Fucking stop it.

“Right.” George swallowed, his nose wrinkling as he tasted his own blood. “I’m a bit banged up, but somebody, and I have no idea who, has fucking shot me up with shit to stop me shifting.”

“You can’t shift?” Scott’s pretty blue eyes widened. “How can you heal if you can’t shift?”

That’s when George noticed the dimples.I am so doomed. Doomed, I tell you. Doomed.“Bingo. I guess I’ll heal just like anyone else in this godforsaken place—not very well. Look, if you want to do something for me, then go investigate…” He flapped both hands in Scott’s direction. “Someone on the paramedic team knew I was a shifter—using shifter drugs on a human would kill them. So how the hell did they know that? I was unconscious, so it’s not like I could tell them. Someone wanted me in this hospital, and I have no idea why. So, you go and find out why I’m here, and I’ll work on getting this shit they’ve doped me up with out of my system.”

Scott just blinked and then blinked again. “At the risk of upsetting you, that sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory. Why would anyone want you in a hospital?”

“Maybe they want to harvest my organs. There’s another conspiracy theory for you to investigate.” George rested his hands on his knees, leaning forward, knowing that would bulge out his biceps. Yes, he was trying to look intimidating, but he needed the sexy-looking demon out of his space, or he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions. “I don’t know, but Idocare. You said you’re here to help me, so unless you’re going to help me get out of this damn bed and out of this cursed place…?”

Scott shook his head. “You’ve got blood,” he fluttered his hand in George’s direction. “All over your face, and bruises, too. You haven’t seen a doctor yet. At least do that before you try to leave.”

Fucking knew it.George was not pouting. He’d never pouted in his life, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to stamp his feet,which he couldn’t do because he was on a damn bed, and Scott the demon was making him think things he didn’t have the brainpower for with the thumping going on in his skull.

“Then I’m asking you,” he said with a low growl, “asking as nicely as I can, considering I was in a car accident. Would you please go and find out why I’m here, who authorized that, and find out who the hell drugged me? Can you do that? Would you do that for me?”

Scott’s eyes flickered between George and the curtain. “I can do that, but wouldn’t you rather—”

“No, no.” George shook his head and then reached up and rubbed it. His fingers came away covered in road grit and blood. “I don’t need you to do anything else.”Honestly, if that sweet thing offers to rub my head or any part of me, I will not be held responsible.“Please. Go and check out my paperwork. I want the name of that paramedic. And while you’re at it, if you can find out where my taxicab got taken, because that’s important to me…”

“If you’re sure it will help.”

“It will. It will. You’d be reducing my stress levels, and that has to be a good thing, right?”

“Right. All right.” Clearly, Scott had come to a decision because he tugged on one of the cuffs of his jacket and straightened his spine. “I won’t be long. I’ll be right back.”

“Just get the information. Thank you.” George watched as Scott ducked around the curtain, listening as he heard the expensive shoes make their way down the hallway. It was only then that he glared at his crotch.As if that hot sweetie would have anything to do with the likes of you.

George had more important things to worry about than a hard-on that was showing no signs of going down.I’ve got to get out of here.He’d only been joking about organ harvesting, but the drugging was real. He could feel it moving sluggishly through his system. His bear was fighting it, but it might not be soon enough if someone came after him while he was hopeless in bed.

I’m not hopeless.

I’m not helpless.

I can fucking do this.

Swinging his legs off the side of the bed, George was grateful he still had his clothes and boots on. Patting his pocket, his eyes widened as he felt his wallet was still in there.They didn’t want to rob me then.

Shuffling over to the curtain, George peeked out. The place was busy, people rushing up and down, buzzers buzzing, beepers blaring, and someone talking over the speaker system, calling doctors and nurses to various rooms.

Just look like you know where you’re going,he thought as he stepped out. George knew he looked a fright on a good day. Thebruises and blood all down his face weren’t going to make him look any better.

Head up, he strode down the hall in the opposite way he’d heard Scott going. There was a door marked “Exit” and that’s all he needed. His head still pounding and his cock still hard, George made his escape. With any luck, there’d be a taxicab waiting on the rank alongside the hospital.

It crossed George’s mind, as he was being driven away from the hospital, that if he hadn’t gotten drugged, then his bear wouldn’t have let him leave that cutie demon behind, even if George knew it was for the best.I’ve had more than enough shit to deal with today. Being rejected by my mate can wait for another time, preferably after I’ve healed.