Silas looked at Dougal. “Do you have some of your special brew?”

Dougal rooted about in a coat with numerous pockets and pulled out a flask.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a healing potion for animals,” Dougal explained, giving it to Silas.

“Give it to me, I’ll take it, and you can stay here.”

Scott wanted to snap at Dakata for wasting time, but he got why he didn’t want his blissful one coming into a dangerous situation with an unknown foe.

Silas tutted at Dakata. “I need my bow and arrows.” One arched look, and Silas wore dark clothing, holding his bow and a shoulder harness holding arrows.

“If we’re done with the arguing part of the evening, I have my own blissful one waiting at home, so shall we get on with this.” Merihem took hold of Scott’s hand and Dakata’s, who had hold of Silas. The air shimmered around them, then they were deep in a forest that smelled of… chemicals.

His demon cast out, searching for George. His pulse was hammering hard enough to make it difficult to hear, they had to take three calming breaths to get to focus. There, under the other scents, was the barest hint of their blissful one. “I can scent George,” he murmured as Merihem let him go.

“Which way?” Silas whispered, his eyes glowing in the darkness of the surrounding dense trees. “I can use the trees to guide us.”

“It’s coming from the right, through that big clump of trees.” Keeping his voice low, his eyes adjusted to the darkness. The woods were too quiet. None of the night creatures made a noise and sent shivers of apprehension through Scott.

“Scott, walk at my side. I’ll guide you.”

There was a rumble of complaint from Dakata, but he said nothing as they set off. Each twig breaking set Scott’s pulse to leap as they went deeper into the woods. The air wasn’t fresh but stagnant beneath the chemicals.

Scott wasn’t sure how long they walked through the woods before George’s scent thickened the air. His teeth ground together, and his heart pounded hard enough to give him a headache. Because the scent didn’t give Scott joy, it brought back the fear, because all he could smell was George’s arousal. The scent was potent enough to make them react, and his demon’s claws were ready to shred whoever thought they could touch their blissful one. His cock, hard and aroused to the point of pain, was just as ready to stab anything that got in its way.

“What the fuck,” Merihem hissed in his ear. “Sexy time isn’t on the fucking agenda here!”

Scott’s demon glowered at Merihem, whether he could see it or not. “I fucking know that!” he ground out. “Someone has aroused my blissful one. I’m reacting to that, okay!”

An earth-rumbling roar filled the air and Scott’s demon froze before he took off running.I’m coming, my honey bear.

I’m coming!

Chapter Twenty-Two


Shit was coming. George could smell it, although the scent of his own arousal was doing a damn good job of clogging up his nose. He’d never been disgusted by his cock before, but there had beensomething potent in that potion, and he was worried sick that it wouldn’t go down until he’d found a release… somewhere… not in a damn lab with a man hovering with his pottle jar.

But no. Another smell was getting closer, one he knew from his nightmares. His father was a proud bear shifter, except he shunned ever smelling of an animal, and as the scent George could pick up got closer, he realized some things never changed, including his father’s preferred cologne.

The footsteps coming down a hallway paused by the door, and a murmur of voices could be heard.

George scowled as he looked down at his naked body.Vulnerability is a state of mind,he reminded himself. He flexed his fingers. His bear was so close to breaking free, but he just wasn’t there yet. Nothing would be able to hold him down if he could shift…Keep working on it, bear. Keep pushing.

The door swung open, and his father walked in alone, shaking his head in that condescending manner George remembered from when he was a kid. “You seem to be in a bit of a predicament.” His father’s sneer hadn’t changed either, as he closed the door behind him.

“It’s temporary.” George’s biceps bulged as he strained against the bonds.

“You’ve grown into a sizeable adult. I’m impressed.” His father came closer, his dark hair cut in the same sharp style he’d always favored, and his suit still had that new clothes starchy smell.

“Did you think I was going to wither away outside of your influence?” George curled his lip. “I didn’t need you or your name to do well for myself,Cuthbert.” He knew how much his father hated anyone using his first name.

“You consider driving a cab doing well for yourself?” Cuthbert’s laugh was cruel, although George noticed it didn’t bother him anymore. It confirmed to George the paramedic had to have been on his father's payroll and that people had been watching him all that time, not that it made any difference now. “As my son, I expected you to do so much better with your life.”

“I’m content, Cuthbert. Can you say the same? I live by my rules, my way, and I don’t have to kiss your ass for anything. Win-win in my opinion.”