But no, Ronald was shaking his head. “I’m going to have to get the supervisor. He’ll have to give you another jab to knock you out. I’ve never read of a shifter who prefers to climax in their sleep, but if that’s what it takes—”
“If you or anyone else touches me in any way, I’ll sue you, your department, your lab director, and anyone else connected with this godforsaken place until you’re left panhandling on the side of the road. Do you hear me? I do not give my consent!”
“Things would go so much easier for you if you had,” Ronald said sadly. “I don’t know why they want your spunk so badly, but this is beyond my pay grade. I’d rest for a minute if I were you. The supervisor doesn’t have my pleasant personality.”
You won’t have any personality left by the time I’ve finished with you,George grumped as Ronald left the room.Come on, bear, fight, my furry friend. I need you free so we can get out of here. We have to get back to Scott.
Chapter Twenty-One
Banging on Dakata’s door, they did his best to stop the terror circulating through them, battering at the tiny thread of self-control he had left. All his life, Scott had no problem holding it together.
He had more than enough experience with his family to learn control. Yet, in this moment, he had none. It fled with the knowledge that someone had his blissful one and could do untold harm to him. He wanted his mate safe and in his arms. He didn’t care how they had to achieve that, but it was all he could think about.
The door opened before he could bang again. Dakata appeared to tower over him with a pissed-off look Scott was more than familiar with, his demon side not so much, but they didn’t care. “I need you to summon Merihem,” his demon demanded without ceremony.
Dakata blinked slowly as he looked from Scott’s demon to Dougal and back. “What’s going on? And why would I be doing that?”
“We got a bit of a problem—”
“A bit of a problem!” he screeched at Dougal. “My mate has been abducted, and something is blocking our connection. Dougal believes it’s his family, one I know nothing about. I don’t even know what George’s real name is.” He threw up his arms. “How am I supposed to find him when I don’t know where to start? I need your help, please,” he begged around a harrowing sob.
“Let them in,” Silas murmured from somewhere inside the house.
Dakata stepped aside, and only then did they notice he wore only boxer briefs, not that his demon was wearing anything.
Silas appeared, tying a long flowing robe at his middle that reached his bare feet. “Come sit, and I’ll make some ginger and lemongrass tea.”
The politeness of it all would have impressed Scott if not for their utter panic, which was coming from him and his demon, who was growing more fretful the longer he continued to search for their connection to George and couldn’t find it.
“Explain what’s going on,” Dakata stated brusquely.
“George is missing. He didn’t turn up to collect me from the office. My demon can’t feel our connection to him. I came to the forest, because I knew this was where George heads when he needs some thinking time. When I realized something was wrong, I got Miller to bring me to the forest. He took me to the wrong place, then left after I expressly asked him to wait.”
Dakata stared at him with such concern that Scott struggled to keep seated. “What do you mean? Miller left you in the woods and drove off? He has been my driver for twenty years, why would he do that? Why drop you in the wrong place? The man has an excellent sense of direction, so I don’t get how he got you lost?”
“How would I know,” he snapped, then took a deep breath that did fuck all to help. Each of Dakata’s questions added a ball of anxiety to his stomach. As they developed, each one got bigger until the damn boulders were weighing Scott down. “I’m sorry,” he muttered through clenched teeth when he got a narrow-eyed look from Dakata that was all warning.
His demon could barely move his legs as he rose off the couch, wanting to pace off the dread that grew with every passing second he waited for Merihem to arrive. “All I know is I asked him to take me where I thought George might be. After running about the damn forest attempting to find Dougal in the hopes that George would be with him, I got nowhere. So, I headed back to the car only to find it and Miller, gone.”
“None of this makes sense,” Dakata muttered as Silas came from the kitchen carrying a tray of drinks.
“It seems this Miller person is in cahoots with whoever took George,” Dougal murmured, rubbing at his jaw while taking a mug from Silas.
“You think George being taken is a setup, and Miller aided in it?” Dakata didn’t sound like he believed it.
Except why else would Miller drop Scott in the wrong part of the woods, ensuring that he delayed Scott? “This is all well and good, but we need Merihem and his skills to see if he can locate George for me.”
Dakata went to a bowl near a window, and Scott saw him reach in and pull out several colored tumbling stones. His eyes closed, and Scott’s nerves danced at each passing second Dakata stood motionless.
When he opened his eyes, his demon was there. “I’ve summoned him. Be patient, he is busy dealing with something else.”
“Something else?” They weren’t sure if the ‘something else’ was Peni, and if so, then he felt bad. If it was Merihem taking care of some person who had committed a heinous crime, then couldn’t they wait? George was out there somewhere, enduring who knew what.
“He was working,” Dakata supplied as if he had read their mind.
“Here, drink this, it will help settle you.” Silas offered him a mug and a gentle smile.