George woke up with three things immediately clear. He was naked. He was bound to a metal table, and his cock was so hard it hurt. Oh, and his bear side was suppressed to the point Georgecould feel his animal side’s rage, but it was as if there was a ten-foot glass wall between them.
So technically, it was four things—five if he added in that Scott’s scent was nowhere to be found. He could feel their bond, but it was muted, and as much as it pained him, George pushed it back until he could no longer feel it at all.My dad’s finally made his move, and I’m damned if I want Scott experiencing anything I’m going to go through.
It wasn’t as though George hadn’t expected the abduction. The incident at the hospital, even being taken to the hospital in the first place, was more than a fucking coincidence, and while George had other things on his mind with Scott, it seemed his father hadn’t forgotten him at all.
Fine. If his asshole father thought he was going to cooperate with being tied down, he underestimated his only son. George had rage enough of his own, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. His biceps bulged as he strained against the thick straps that were wrapped around his wrists, his upper arms, his torso, and three down each leg. He was aware he was in a sterile white environment—one Scott couldn’t find fault with—but where he was didn’t make any difference when the fact he was roped down like a cow for slaughter was looming hard in his mind.
Whoever built the table had bears in mind. The metal creaked as George strained, but it held firm. Furious, George’s only thought was getting off that table, and if he couldn’t do that, then he’d take the fucking table with him when he left.
He started rocking his body, one side and then the other. He didn’t care how he fell, he just wanted his damn feet on the floor. It was giving him flashbacks—just like being in the hospital again—and George was hellbound and determined to get out of his current state just as quickly as he had from the hospital. Even if he was carrying the damn table on his back, he did not care.
“Hey, hey. Don’t do that.” A thin hand landed on his shoulder. “You’ll knock the table over.”
“Don’t you dare touch me.” George turned his head, glaring at a slender man in a white lab coat. The man, if lucky, was twenty if he was a day. He had a shock of blond straight hair falling over half his face and was wearing large, black-rimmed glasses that looked too big for him.
“Not touching.” The man’s hands both flew into the air. “Not touching you, I just didn’t want you hurting yourself. You can’t move this table. It’s bolted to the floor.”
Taking in a huge breath, George showed his teeth. “Then unbuckle me from the damn thing so I can get out of here. I’ve got places to be.”
“Oh, I will soon.” The slender man moved down the side of the table, pulling a pen out of his pocket and tapping George’s cock with the end of it. “I’ve just got to wait for this potion to work.” He shook his head. “You should’ve climaxed by now. It’s been twenty minutes. It’s very strange.”
“Excuse me?” George wasn’t sure if he’d heard correctly. “You’re judging me because I haven’t covered my belly with spunk yet?”
“Not judging. Oh, no.” The man’s eyes were wide behind the glasses. “I’m sure you’re a very virile bear shifter.” He nodded as if that added weight to his words. “It’s just this potion—the lab guys have been working on it for months, it’s guaranteed to make any man climax in under ten minutes.”
“Even when they’re unconscious?” George was angry before, but now he was literally seeing red, especially when the blond nodded as if it were a perfectly normal question.
“It’s supposed to…” The man backed up, perhaps registering George’s expression. “I didn’t touch you, I swear. I would never touch a person without consent. That’s just wrong.”
“Then how…” George tried to point to his dick, but his fingers could only go so far thanks to his wrist restraints, “the hell did you cover my dick with shit? How did I get naked? Because I promise you, I was fully clothed when I got knocked out.”
“I don’t know anything about your clothes. That’s the acquisitions department. You arrived naked. And as for the potion, they can administer it in a spray bottle now, you know, just like a hair spray.”
The man was actually smiling. “There’s so much concern about consent these days, so the spray bottle was a perfect idea. It’s not like we want our subjects to feel uncomfortable.”
Then he frowned again. “However, the potion’s not working on you, which is really strange because every other subject we’ve tried it on, their cocks have gone off like fireworks in next to no time. I might have to give it another dose. This is very irregular.”
“Don’t you dare give me another zap of your shit,” George growled as the man sauntered off to a large bench that ran the length of the sterile room. “I do not give you my consent!”
“I’m just spraying you, not physically touching you.” The blond came back with what looked like a spray cleaning bottle. “The lab director said consent was not required unless any physical touching or invasive procedures were done, and I think that’s very fair, don’t you? I only have to give you two squirts.”
George bellowed loud enough to raise the ceiling as his cock was assaulted with two puffs of liquid. It didn’t burn, but it was as if the skin on his cock was stretching to burning point, causing his whole length to tingle. From a physical perspective, he wanted to come so badly—he could feel the sensation building in his lower belly even as his mind was screaming “no” with the wrongness of it all.
Just when he thought he’d totally lost control over his body, it was as if someone had slapped a cock ring around the base of his shaft and tightened it to the point of pain. The sensation was so sudden, George laughed as the need to orgasm ebbed away. “Go on, spray me again, numbnuts. That shit’s not going to work.”
“My name’s Ronald, not numbnuts.” Ronald bent near the table, his hair within an inch of George’s hand. George’s fingerstwitched, trying to grab it, but Ronald stayed just out of reach. “This is so very strange. Are you sure you don’t want to climax?”
“Nope.” George was more than happy to lie through his teeth. What he wanted was to get back to his mate and fuck him until he couldn’t stand, but he didn’t dare think about his precious blue demon when he was in such a precarious position. “Empty the bottle on it. It won’t make any difference. You’re not getting any spunk out of me, so you might as well let me go.”
Ronald huffed as he straightened up. “Can’t you just think some sexy thoughts and give your cock a boost for me? I need one pottle’s worth, that’s all. I don’t know what sort of thoughts you need to… you know,” he waved at his head, “think. But if you just—”
“All I’m thinking in this moment is that when I get out of these bonds, I’m going to tear your arms and legs off, beat you over the head with them, and when I’m finished with that, I’m going to take that spray bottle and shove it right up your ass—the whole damn thing—and let’s see how quickly you climax then.” George was showing his teeth again.
“There’s no need to be unpleasant.” Ronald tugged at his lab coat. “I’m just doing my job. If you’d just cooperate—”
“No. You’ve failed at your job, so you might as well just untie me and then fucking run, and maybe I won’t chase you down. I’ll go looking for the nearest fucking exit instead. Deal?”