Idiot. Fucking wasting my time.George glanced at the clock again. He could still make it, but he’d have to push it heading back to town.
The turnaround appeared out of nowhere, causing George to brake and lurch forward.Damn it. This is going to be tight.He spun the wheel hard to the left, barely applying any pressure on the accelerator at all. He heard the brush of bushes against his paintwork and cursed again under his breath. His new car was not what one could consider an off-road vehicle.
But no, the turn was too tight. Backing up just a smidge, George turned his wheel hard again, shaking his head as a sudden attack of wooziness made him lose focus for a moment.
Bear!Struggling with the wheel and the tight turn, George screamed out at his animal side… but there was nothing there.
“Having a bit of trouble…bear?”
“You?” Slamming on the brakes, George turned in his seat. “You did something to me when you fondled my neck. Get out of my fucking car.”
Fuck, he could barely stay upright, clinging to the steering wheel one-handed as the passenger, still smirking, opened his door and got out. “I think you might need some help there, bear.” The man wrenched open George’s door before he’d even had a chance to turn around, and then those same hands were on George’s arm, pulling him out of the vehicle.
He was powerless to stop the asshole, but George wasn’t going to go down quietly. He lashed out with his fists and feet, kicking and punching the man anytime he got close. All he could think was that Scott would be waiting for him, and he was not going to let his mate down.
There was a crunch of bone as George got in at least one good hit, but the man was a fucking maniac and kept coming back. Whatever George had been injected with was taking him over, making his limbs heavier, his coordination was shot to hell, and he was getting spots in front of his eyes. He pushed out his energy with everything he had. He couldn’t let Scott down. But the man kept coming, and then George felt another prick in his neck and went down like a fallen tree.
All he could hear as he passed out was the man’s laughter.
Chapter Nineteen
Scott had never known terror like it, it took him seconds to get a breath into his chest. To make it expand and stop the obscene tightness from taking his wobbling legs from under him.
Think, goddamn it, think. Was this related to George’s past? A past he’d shared but not fully because Scott remained clueless as to George’s real identity. Anger came, but at himself for not pushing harder to know. George was his blissful one, this was not some trivial thing.
Is this the time to start the blaming game?
You don’t even start with me. I don’t have the time to have this conversation. We need to find George.
But where?
Could he have been involved in another traffic incident where someone had drugged George? He shuddered as he pulled out his phone and searched for hospitals in the area. The paramedic he’d hunted down, had he lied to Scott? Was this connected to that incident?
“Hello, St Bart’s. How can I help you?”
“Yes, I’m looking to speak to my bliss—mate George Maybank?”
“Which ward is he in?” the bored-sounding woman asked sending a wave of anxiety through Scott.
“The emergency department.” He would still be there if there had been an accident.
“Putting you through.”
Another female voice, this one sounding more annoyed than bored, came on the phone. “How can I help you?”
“George Maybank, has he been brought in?” he asked, doing his best to sound professional and not like he was about to fall apart.
There was a sound of tapping. “When was he brought in? I have no patient in the department with that name.”
Rude was not something Scott had ever been in his life, yet he ended the call and rang the next hospital.
By the seventh one, he was openly struggling to hold it together. His demon side wanted to tear the city apart, but Scott needed to be sure that they weren’t missing the obvious after George’s recent experience.
When he ended his final call, the sky had darkened further, and he knew without a doubt George was not in any hospital, human or shifter. He called for Miller, his last hope was that maybe George had gone to the woods to see his friend Dougal and had lost track of time. As Dougal had no phone and Scott wasn’t exactly sure whereabouts he lived, he needed the car to take him to the forest.
When it drew up to a halt in front of where he was pacing, Scott’s demon side started to fuss.Let’s translocate.