Please. I need to know if he’s okay. Maybe he just got caught up, and I’m worried about nothing.
An hour and a half later, Scott had a throbbing headache and was losing patience with his demon’s lack of response.If something happens to our blissful one, then I’m going to hold you responsible,he snarled loudly, making his own ears ring.
He felt his demon surge forward and, expecting him to grump for shouting, Scott became shocked and stood frozen when his demon started crying.I’m so sorry.
What… w-what w-wrong!
I can’t feel him.
Ears ringing with how fast his heart was racing, Scott shook from the terror coming from his demon.At all?
I feel nothing through our bond,his demon cried pitifully.
Holy fuck.
Holy fuck.
Holy fuck.
Chapter Eighteen
“What the ever-loving fuck?” George slapped at his neck, the hand from his passenger in the back touching him, giving him an ick feeling. George thought he felt the prick of a fingernail as well,asshole.“No distracting the driver.”
George was already distracted enough. Scenes from the night before scrolled through his mind on an endless loop. George was seeking clues, moments, opportunities he might have missed to make things better for his unhappy mate. So maybe he wasn’t being conversationalist of the year for his paying customers, but they paid him to drive, not listen to their life story.
“Just being friendly. You seem like a fun guy to get to know.”
“I’ve got my driver’s license. You don’t need to know anything else.”
“Oh, I don’t know. With those brawny arms and that sexy beard, I reckon there’s a lot of things we could learn about each other.”
Yeah, the guy was a complete creep. Not that George was paying any attention to him. It was just an assumption he’d made from the moment the guy had gotten into the car—one of those gut feelings that George got at times, where he couldn’t be assed to talk to his passengers. His only job was to get them to where they needed to go. If he only transported passengers he could actually stand to have a conversation with, he’d spend his day driving around alone.
Checking the time on his dashboard, George carefully increased the speed just a little. He should make it. The creep wanted to go to an address George knew was out by the airport, so half an hour with afternoon traffic, and another thirty minutes back into town. He should be pulling into the parking lot with five minutes to spare.
“Take this turnoff, coming up on the left.” The passenger was leaning in the gap between the seats, and George scowled at him in the rear vision mirror.
“The turnoff for the address you wanted is another two miles down the road.”
“This way’s a shortcut. You can drop me off at the back of the property because this road goes around that way.”
Another tight ass.George flicked on his indicator. If he had a dollar for every time someone tried to convince him to take a shortcut—well, he had enough money as it was, it would buy a nice holiday for him and Scott.
The more he thought about it, the more George wanted to take his mate on holiday. He wanted Scott to be okay. It was so hard making out that everything was all hunky dory, as they got ready for work that morning.Did he even like the sandwich I made him? Did he take the time off needed to eat it?He hoped Scott would see that for what it was—a way of George trying to show he was supportive of his mate in all things.
I’ll kiss him when I pick him up this afternoon,he decided. To hell with appearances and worrying if that sort of behavior would be considered respectful to the people Scott worked with. His mate needed to know he was cared about, even if Scott did get a bit crazy every now and then. It wasn’t like George was perfect.
The road they were traveling down definitely wasn’t on any map George had seen before. It was barely a road at all. He cursed as the bottom of his new cab scraped on the gravel after his wheel hit one of the many potholes and he slowed down. The road was more pothole than anything else. “Are you sure you want to go down this way?” he asked, glancing at the man in his mirror.
The man’s smirk sent a shiver down George’s spine. “It might not have been this turnoff, after all. But it’s okay. There’s a small space where you can turn around just up ahead. Sorry, about that.”