He merely nodded to confirm he’d heard her and continued on. He glanced about, looking for a place to translocate, unobserved into the emergency department.
He followed the signs and stepped into a side ward, then gave himself a moment to think about what he’d seen on the schematic before he translocated. No one noticed his arrival. How would they when it looked like a demon had been through the area on a rampage?
People moved franticly, darting past obstacles as they went about their business. Twice he tried to attract someone's attention and then gave up.
He walked to the electronic board that displayed patients' names and locations. He noted the one he needed and easily found the cubicle.
Scott glanced about, listening when he came to a stop at a half-drawn curtain around a gurney with a large pair of booted feet hanging off the end.
Scott’s demon chose then to wake up fully.Why are we in a smelly hospital? And who is that little honey?
Little honey? To whom are you referring?
His demon side chuckled at him.You need to remove that stick from your ass occasionally.
Hey, I’m just saying it how it is. And who is the honey bear?
Scott glanced at the gurney, not quite seeing a honey bear, but then his demon could be whimsical occasionally.He’s a friend of Silas.
The enormous man smelled like a bear, but there was no sweet honey smell. Dark, wavy brown hair hung around a ruggedface. A wound to the left side of his head showed why he was there. The black and purple bruising didn’t detract from how handsome he was.
Maybe he’d taken a hit to the head! Or maybe his demon was pushing the thought into his head?
He’s sexy,his demon purred, and Scott rolled his eyes heavenward.
You think any guy with legs is sexy.It was the truth.
The chuckling continued in his mind and made Scott reluctant to see what his demon would do when he got closer. But he had a duty to check on the bear, and that’s what he would do.
Stepping behind the curtain, Scott caught a flicker of eyelid movement from the bear. His body froze and something flowed through him, an awareness that made him hyper-alert and attuned to his demon. Something that so rarely happened, he braced—for what he couldn’t say—as he watched those eyes move with a sense of dread.
When they fluttered open, Scott forced his lips into a smile to give reassurance because he didn’t need the bear freaking out on him. Only the moment their eyes connected, Scott’s demon, who was not one to be a nuisance or cause trouble, wanted out. He surged so hard that if not for the gurney in front of him, he’dhave been forcibly thrown to the ground. Instead, Scott had to reach out and grab the rail to stay upright.
He panted, his insides spiraling out of control at the need from his demon side to touch the bear. His hands clawed as he struggled to hold back.
What on earth is wrong with you?
Chapter Two
Damn fucking useless demons.George struggled to wake up. Yes, he knew he’d been in an accident. He wasn’t going to forget that maniac demon deliberately driving into his taxicab in a hurry. He knew he was in a hospital. His nose still worked,and he could smell the stench of illness and disinfectant—it was enough to give him a headache, and that was without the blow he’d taken to the head when his cab flipped. He also knew, and that was the biggest kicker of all, that someone, goodness knows who, had fucking injected him to stop him from shifting, and when George got his hands on that person…
Shifting was crucial to his damn healing process. Didn’t anyone teach modern doctors anything anymore?
Open, open, open.George willed his eyes to freaking open and focus. There was someone close, someone who smelled incredible, but George had other matters to deal with.
When he finally got his eyes to work—yay, step fucking one—George glared at a smartly dressed cutie resting his hands on the rail of his bed.
“Who the hell are you?” he demanded in a too pissed off to care tone.
“Not from hell, actually.” The well-dressed man had an incredibly soothing voice. “Demon realm. It’s different.”