Scott frowned but followed, unsure why they needed to leave the office. He stopped at the door of Scott’s office. He pointed inside. “Tell me what you see?”
Back was the frown, and he was starting to wonder why he’d picked Merihem to talk to. He glanced inside and saw nothing out of place. Just how he liked it. “What am I looking for?”
Merihem walked in, went to his desk, and moved a stack of orderly papers. Scott was right behind him, tutting and shifting them back.
“You’re like Peni.”
Scott stopped what he was doing to return his attention to Merihem. “What do you mean?” Peni was a pygmy goat, not a demon.
“Peni likes things orderly. Neat. His childhood was full of chaos, and it shaped him. In the beginning, he struggled with how messy I was, especially when I didn’t understand his need to clean up after me. That he couldn’t shift his attention—unless I gave him something else to occupy him—from the mess. It stresses him.”
As Merihem spoke, Scott found he could relate to Peni’s feelings.
“Does George do anything to distract you? Help you take your mind off theperceivedmessiness?”
Back to blushing, he found it hard to meet Merihem’s amused gaze, when he clearly used the same technique on Peni when Scott nodded. Then it struck what he’d said, ‘perceived messiness.’ Did George think him fussy or anal?
You’re both.
“I think you should talk with my blissful one. He’s got a lot in common with your view on things. He might be able to help… give you some pointers.”
Scott eyed Merihem intrigued by the idea. Despite being uncomfortable discussing such things with others, he was desperate. Point in case he was talking to Merihem, who, up until meeting Peni, most definitely hadn’t worried about wearing clothes or who he fucked and where. Scott had heard all the rumors the same as everyone else about Merihem.
He’d changed. Did that mean Scott could change? Be whatever it was that would make George remove the wall between them?
He nodded and checked his watch. “I’ve got half an hour before George arrives, would now be a good time?”
Merihem stood in silence for a few seconds, then Peni appeared looking flushed and holding a cleaning cloth. “You could have given me another minute to put my cloth in the washer.” He nodded shyly at Scott, tucking the cloth into the back pocket of his jeans. “Merihem said you’d like to have a chat.”
“If you have a few minutes and wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course, Merihem can finish off what I was doing when we go home.”
Merihem chuckled and kissed the tip of Peni’s nose. That he had to bend nearly in half didn’t seem to faze him, or that he had an audience for his show of affection. “Anything for you, my love.”
Scott glanced at Merihem and arched a brow when Merihem showed no sign of leaving.
“Alright,” he groused, shaking his head, heading back out of the office and shutting the door.
Peni looked about the office and grinned widely. “You are not like Merihem at all.”
Scott once more examined his space and huffed. “No, but it seems that being like this for my blissful one isn’t good, if I listen to my demon.”
“Oh…” Peni stared at him. “Is he like Merihem, a little messy and disorganized? Or is it worse than that?”
On that, he had to think. “His place is more… disorganized, and I suppose, a little chaotic. It’s clean, but nothing appears to have a right place to go.” Was it disrespectful to talk about such things about his blissful one? “My home, everything has a place. When something is used, I expect those things to get cleaned and put back into an orderly fashion.”
Peni took a seat and gave him a thoughtful look. “Was your home life as disruptive as mine?”
“I’m not sure what you mean by that?” Scott took the seat next to Peni. “My family… is that what you mean?” At the nod, he continued on. “They remain disappointed in me,” he confessed for the first time.
“How so? I look at you and I see someone who seems to know what he wants, is successful, and has a life he has chosen.”
“I am. I’ve worked hard to make them see me on the same level as them.”
Peni tilted his head to the side. “Level? I’m not sure what you mean?”